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Canada will be eliminating the penny. Others?

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Q: What countries don't have a penny?
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What is a penny's diameter in millimeters?

There are several countries in which the minor currency unit is a penny - including the US where a cent is called a penny!The UK penny has a diameter of 20.3 mm.

How many density does a penny have?

Many countries use a penny as a minor currency unit and it is likely that each one of these has a different density.

What does a penny buy in poor countries?

A small piece of candy in Thailand.

How do you help penny dreadful in collusus boulevard on wizard101?

you dont help penny dreadful at all in any part of the game in colossus boulevard

Where is the 1929 Penny from?

A Penny could come from any of the 50 odd British Commonwealth countries. If it has no country name inscribed on it, it is most likely from Britain.

What is a diameter of a penny in millimeter?

The answer depends on which country's penny the question is about. Many countries use a penny as a minor currency unit and since you have not bothered to share the name of the country, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

What is the diameter of a penny in millimeter?

The answer depends on which country's penny the question is about. Many countries use a penny as a minor currency unit and since you have not bothered to share the name of the country, I cannot provide a more useful answer.

How much is a penny from the cayman islands worth in the US?

i dont know but sounds cool

In Iron Chef what countries does each chef represent?

They dont represent countries

How many pennies make 500 grams?

The answer will depend on the currency in question. the mass of a UK penny is not the same as a US cent (penny), or those of other countries.The answer will depend on the currency in question. the mass of a UK penny is not the same as a US cent (penny), or those of other countries.The answer will depend on the currency in question. the mass of a UK penny is not the same as a US cent (penny), or those of other countries.The answer will depend on the currency in question. the mass of a UK penny is not the same as a US cent (penny), or those of other countries.

How do you do the magic tricks escape a mailbag?

i dont know very much but get a penny go to your friends show them and then put the penny behind your back try it ok good.

How do you do the magic trick escape a mailbag?

i dont know very much but get a penny go to your friends show them and then put the penny behind your back try it ok good.