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Conta means bead, and di ojo, means of eye.

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What type of species is a Conta?

Conta belongs to a fish category of species. It is a small catfish which is a native of India and Bangladesh. Conta conta and Conta pectinata are the two recognized species in this genus.

When was Ojo Por Ojo created?

Ojo Por Ojo was created in 2011.

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The duration of Ojo Por Ojo is 2520.0 seconds.

Is it el ojo or la ojo?

It is "el ojo" in Spanish. "Ojo" is a masculine noun, so the correct article to use is "el."

When was Vasile Conta born?

Vasile Conta was born in 1845.

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Dennis Conta was born in 1940.

When was Giancarlo Conta born?

Giancarlo Conta was born in 1949.

When did Vasile Conta die?

Vasile Conta died in 1882.

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