Keifer Sutherland does voice overs for Bank of America, Nissan, and Verizon.
Keifer Sutherland was in an "Eye For an Eye." He co-starred with Sally Fields.
Crazy Moon (1987)
Sounds like DeKay does the voiceover for the Quaker Oats commercial.
I don't know but she has the world's most annoying voice.
Lauren Dortch-Crozier voices the Ashley commercials in NC and some of the Southeast. Like others have said-- depends on market.
Yes, Keifer Sutherland is a son of Donald Sutherland.
The person who does the voice over for the Verizon Wireless ads is Keifer Sutherland. He also does the voice over for the Bank of America commercials and used to do the voice over for Nissan commercials.
The person who does the voice over for the Verizon Wireless ads is Keifer Sutherland. He also does the voice over for the Bank of America commercials and used to do the voice over for Nissan commercials.
keifer sutherland plays jack Bauer
Keifer Sutherland
Larry King Live - 1985 Keifer Sutherland was released on: USA: 9 January 2007
Between 2009 and 2015, Robert Downy, Jr., Keifer Sutherland and Christian Slater are the celebrities who have done the voice overs for Nissan TV commercials. Robert Downy, Jr. has lent his voice to Nissan, Planter's Peanuts and the Apple iPhone 3g. Keifer Sutherland has lent his voice to Nissan, Verizon and Bank of America. Christian Slater has lent his voice to Nissan, Auto and Panasonic.
Keifer Sutherland.
With regard to Nissan TV commercials between 2009 and 2015, Robert Downy, Jr., Keifer Sutherland and Christian Slater are the celebrities who have done the voice overs. Robert Downy, Jr. has lent his voice to Nissan, Planter's Peanuts and the Apple iPhone 3g. Keifer Sutherland has lent his voice to Nissan, Verizon and Bank of America. Christian Slater has lent his voice to Nissan, Auto and Panasonic.I have recognized the voices of Christian Slater, Keifer Sutherland and Robert Downy, Jr.
The person who does the voice over for the Bank of America ads is Keifer Sutherland. He also does the voice overs for other ads including Nissan & Verizon.