The most famous is probably Dick Turpin.
Dick Turpin - 1974 is rated/received certificates of: Spain:T
It depends which Dick you mean. If you mean Dick Turpin, it was Tom King. If you mean Dick Dastardley, it is Muttley. If you mean Dick Tracy, it was first Pat Patton and then Sam Catchem.
I think he's left handed because in the dick turpin song on horrible histories, he looks like he is writing with his left hand.
Yes, he was born with natural red hair. He does dye it sometimes and brade it so its full of colour's now, ha.
Dick Turpin's full name is Richard "Dick" Turpin.
dick turpin dyed in 1706-1739
Dick Turpin's Ride was created in 1951.
Dick Turpin's brother was named Tom Turpin. He was a highwayman like Dick Turpin and also engaged in criminal activities during the 18th century in England.
Dick Turpin lived in the 16th century.
Dick Turpin - 1979 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure Part 2 3-2 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG
Dick Turpin - 1979 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure Part 5 3-5 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG
Dick Turpin - 1979 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure Part 1 3-1 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG
Dick Turpin - 1979 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure Part 3 3-3 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG
Dick Turpin - 1979 Dick Turpin's Greatest Adventure Part 4 3-4 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG
Dick Turpin - boxer - was born on 1920-11-26.
Dick Turpin's country town was Hemp stead in Essex