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Q: What colors are robins?
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Related questions

Which colors are the robin?

robins are brown and red

Why are male robins fatter then famale robins?

Actually, the sexes are similar in size. The female's colors are somewhat less brilliant however.

Can robins fly?

Yes, robins do and can fly.

Which bird sings better than crow's?

Robins! Robins! Robins!

What bird lays beautiful eggs?

Robins. Also, less common species of chickens such as the Araucana and the Ameraucana produce interesting colors and patterns of eggs.

What does robins eat?

robins eat earth worms blueberries,birdseed

What has the author Joanne Robins Barton written?

Joanne Robins Barton has written: 'Out of the Robins nest'

What is the birth name of Sheldon Robins?

Sheldon Robins's birth name is Sheldon Francis Michael Robins.

Who did Victorians call robins?

They called Postmen robins.

When do robins build their nest and hatch?

Robins don't give birth they hatch eggs.

What eats robins?

Cats and snakes eats robins.

Do robins live in the east of Michigan?

Where do robins live in michigan?