Actually, upon looking at close up stills of his eyes. They are both blue. The reason we are seeing two different colors isn't about his irises, it his pupils. One is much larger than the other.
My question is why?
Some people who have had mini-strokes have a pupil that remains fixed. Other people have a medical condition where one pupil remains at a fixed size or larger than the other all the time, and not due to a stroke (called anisocoria).
Scotty eyes color: Are piece baby blue. And, They are BEAUTIFUL Color!!
Brown Eyes
He has brown eyes
She has blue eyes.
guess what his eye color is BROWN awsome 8 P
Really bright blue (watch him on strictly come dancing)
Elmo's eyes are white.
Color of Her Eyes was created in 1990.
natural color of eyes are blue.
the color when you close your eyes
Christian Kane has blue eyes.
Her eyes are the color black btw
No, your eyes do not change color when you die. The color of your eyes is determined by the amount of melanin in your iris, and this does not change after death.
Shaun Cassidy has blue eyes.
Leafpool's eyes are described as amber in color.
Babe Ruthe's eyes were blue.
Finns eyes were shown to have color in the episode "The Enrichidon!" his eyes are blue :) ~ Dashie