When he is in the field David wears what a typical FBI Agent would wear. Other wise they are his own clothes he wears.
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What clothes did Vanilla Ice wear?
They do wear down, your bones are not rock or metal.
David Wear was born on 1990-09-21.
No clothes at all......LIKE A BOSS
He wears a long black coat but sometimes he wears normal jackets most likely that come from his own wordrobe
No! with a head of hair like that why would he need to
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The star of David
as i can see, he really likes to wear a v-neck tees .. i think he bought it at PacSun :)
They wear winter clothes
no they did not wear clothes
They kill animals and wear it for there clothes
No, eagles do not wear clothes.
they wear CLOTHES
Botnaist wear hiking clothes.
They wear ragged clothes, or nothing. Kidding, but they probably wear ragged clothes, or wear many layers.