Drape jackets, usually in dark shades. Sometimes they had velvet rims.
what sort of music did teddy boy listen to what sort of music did teddy boy listen to
What clothes did Vanilla Ice wear?
Faheem Najm goes by T-Pain, Teddy Pain, Teddy Penderazzdown, and Nappy Boy.
No clothes at all......LIKE A BOSS
1960's clothes
you should wear a boy wig, by boys clothes or wear your brothers clothes if they fit.
If you emo.
that's simple. CLOTHES
It is wrong if the boy is uncomfortable in girls' clothes. Quit forcing him to wear them! If he wants to wear them, it's not wrong at all.
It shouldn't be about what your boy friend wants to wear it's your body chose the clothes that you want to wear.
for your gym kit wear normal clothes not sports clothes
wear slutty clothes
Okay so first find out some of the girls who boys have crush on. Try to wear whatever kind of clothes they wear. Yes, it IS that simple!