PG' stands for Parental Guidance. This means a film is suitable for general viewing, but some scenes may be unsuitable for younger children. A 'PG' film should not disturb a child aged around eight or older. Parents should consider whether the content might upset younger or more sensitive children.
Most of the humour is suitable for children. A lot of it is slapstick and silly humour which children would enjoy.. Some of the humour would be very subtle and children might not understand it like adults would.
basically use sticky notes to keep on trakc with what there doing
PlanetSuzy is a website that is exclusively dedicated to adult entertainment, specifically pornography. It is not suitable for younger children or anyone under the age of 18.
Croc Movies is a provider of Adult entertainment, and therefore is not suitable for children. They are a hardcore company and are responsible for adult entertainment porn pictures, videos and more.
The opposite of suitable is unsuitable.
The negative adjective for suitable is unsuitable.
Suitable: The theme of perseverance and quick thinking demonstrated by the gingerbread man can be inspiring and entertaining for children, teaching them valuable lessons about problem-solving and resilience. Unsuitable: The ending where the gingerbread man is devoured by the fox may be distressing for younger children as it involves violence and death of a main character.
It simply means, not suitable or not fit.
The negative form is unsuitable.
That is not a word. The actual word would be unsuitable. It means inappropriate.
Botany Bay was not suitable for four main reasons:It lacked a safe, deep harbour for shipsThe timber was unsuitable for buildingThere was no ready supply of fresh waterThe soil was sandy and unsuitable for growing crops
Not all games, but certain games are rated E for everyone or EC for early childhood.
Well its claimed that it doesnt-10) Unsuitable goods, since the software is not suitable for the purpose of tutoring children, and is unrefundable (TPA s74B) In Australia, educational "tutor" programs should be registered with the Australian Tutoring Association, Maths Worldwide is not.
George Washington was suitable for being a president because he was a president obviously.