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Harry Potter lived with the Dursley's in Surrey, which isn't a city, just an English county.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

It is unknown where lives as an adult or where Grimnauld Place is but when he is growing up and staying with the Dursley's he lives in Surrey.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Surrey, England

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Q: What city in England does Harry Potter live in?
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What state did Harry Potter live in?

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Hagrid left Harry with his relatives, the Dursley's, who live in Surrey.

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Harry Potter lives in England. The UK does not have states, they have counties instead. Throughout the series, Harry lived in the country of Surrey.Please note that Harry Potter is a fictional character. This fictional character lives in Great Britain.

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What state does Harry Potter live in?

The UK does not have states. They have counties instead. Harry Potter lived in Surrey.

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Harry Potter was born in a fictional place called Godric's Hollow, in England. At the age of 1 he went to live with his mother's sister, his uncle and his cousin at 4 Privet Drive after the death of his parents. Both these places are in England.