Wats Tron
It takes place in New York City.
New York City
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Budapest, Hungary
partcipate in the tron 2012 event (which is over already *_*)
No, it takes place approximately 20 yrs after the original
Party City
Quorras secret is that know one in the tron city even knows that she exists
Kansas City Royals
One can find out what Cal-tron exams one can take for employment there by visiting a employment facility where they will help one decide which Cal-tron exams to take an they will also help one find a job.
yes it is real just take some imagination and education to do it . remember it is in a TRON computer so work on that so everyone can be on the grid .(like tron evolution.
they take place in New York
New York City.
No, it takes place in the fictional city of Miniopolis.