To ward off vampires
not sure.
Twispe WA
No. Connie Stevens was born August 8th, 1938 in Brooklyn, New York and Stella Stevens was born October 1st, 1936 in Yazoo City, Mississippi.
what city do zonnique live in
well the main character was Samantha Stevens she was a witch that married a mortal Darrin Stevens. There was Samantha's mother Endora who visited often. then there Stevens kids Tabitha and Adam.
June 6th
Morning Glory Circle (can't remember the number) 1164 Morning Glory Circle
Elizabeth Montgomery was Samantha.
Samantha lives in Seattle with Molly and Kent her foster parents, that's when she met David.
Samantha Stevens was the main witch but there were a bunch of others.
Samantha is played by Kim Cattral.
Samantha is played by Kim Cattral.
To ward off vampires
Yes because my name is Samantha winger
not sure.