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Q: What characters serve as a placeholder for one or more unknown characters in a criteria?
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What are zeros that do not serve merely as placeholders?

A zero can commonly be distinguished as a placeholder zero or a leading zero.

Why does money serve as a standard of value?

Because everyone agrees that it does. Its really just a placeholder for services rendered. This first started with animal herders getting vouchers for their livestock and then turning them in later for goods as they needed them.

What purpose did myths serve for the Greeks?

It was in a way a religion, they made it to help understand the unknown.

How do the minor characters in Best Foot Forward and Back Home compare?

The minor characters in "Best Foot Forward" and "Back Home" both serve to support and highlight the development of the main characters. They often provide contrast or serve as foil characters to the protagonist. While they may not have as much depth or backstory as the main characters, they play important roles in shaping the overall narrative and themes of the stories.

Can non U.S citizens be members of the armed forces?

Yes, foreign citizens can serve in the US military, pending some criteria.

Who are the flat characters in the story The Treasure of Lemon Brown?

In "The Treasure of Lemon Brown," the flat characters are Greg Ridley's dad and mom. They are not developed in depth and serve mainly as minor background characters in the story.

What role do flat characters play in a story?

Flat characters are background and give the main characters support and reasons for their actions. *They serve a specific purpose without providing details about their inner lives.

What is an Aubrey hole?

An Aubrey hole is any of a ring of early chalk pits at Stonehenge, which serve an unknown purpose.

Who are the Flat characters in The Giver?

Flat characters in "The Giver" include Fiona and Asher, as they serve more as supporting roles in the story without experiencing significant development or depth. They serve specific functions to drive the plot forward without evolving as fully realized characters.

What characters are often static?

Side characters or minor characters in a story are often static. These characters don't undergo significant change or growth throughout the plot. They serve a specific role or function in the story without experiencing a transformation in their beliefs or personality.

Which characters do not change at all during a story?

Static characters do not change throughout a story. These characters maintain the same personality, beliefs, and traits from the beginning to the end of the story. They often serve as a point of stability or contrast to the dynamic characters who experience growth or change.