Samuel L. Jackson plays the character "Mace Windu" in episodes I-III. He is eventually killed in the Episode III "Revenge of the Sith".
He's part was Anna's co-star "Sam West"
Yes, there is a porn star with the last name Jackson.
Ben Casey.
The Kansas City Star was founded on September 18, 1880 by William Rockhill Nelson and Samuel E. Morss. It was originally called the Kansas City Evening Star.
No. He is a fictitious character.
samuel l jackson
Samuel L. Jackson
Samuel L. Jackson.
snakes on a plane jumper and some other movies
The Star Wars Episodes I, II, and III all have Samuel Jackson. I also highly recommend Unbreakable. He's been in many more, but I'm afraid this is as far as I can help you.
I believe you are mistaking him for Samuel L. Jackson who played Jedi Master Mace Windu.
Lebron James and Samuel. L. Jackson
Patrick star
Andreas Katsulas is best known to Star Trek fans for playing the recurring character of Romulan Commander Tomalak.
had to have sex with some powerfull white guy. had to do with illuminati
Die Hard with a Vengeance
When Samuel L. Jackson was in negotiation with George Lucas to do the Star Wars prequels, he asked for a purple light saber. No other significance.