The L Word is a Showtime original production and airs on Showtime.
The word tv3 is the nickname of the British ITV Network Channel 3 in the United Kingdom. Channel 3 is the broadcasting licence's official name. It is used in operation by associated companies, such as, Ofcom in advertisements such as, "the regional Channel 3 licences."
aug 5
Katherine Moennig, born December 29, 1977, and plays the part of Shane in The L Word. Although she plays gay roles, she considers herself straight.
The word "channel" has the same spelling pattern as "tunnel." Both words follow the consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel-consonant pattern. In this case, the letters "n-n-e-l" in "tunnel" match the letters "n-n-e-l" in "channel." This consistent pattern makes these two words visually similar in spelling.
"Channel" is from canalis, which means "channel" in Latin.
channelise is the adjective for channel
Yes, the word channel is a noun, a singular, common noun; a word for a body of water, or a path of communication, a word for a thing. The word channel is also a verb: channel, channels, channeling, channeled.
when does the l word start when does the l word start
Ch can stand for channel as in television channel.
Discovery Channel
The accent goes on the first syllable: CHANN (rhymes with pan or can) 'l (the final syllable has an almost silent e). CHANN'l
In Kannada, Channel is called Vaahini (as in National Geographic Channel) or Maarga (as in 'the ship went aground in the channel').
You don't. That's like trying to channel Cookie Monster for assistance with a diet.