Celebrities who were born on December 18 include:
Ashley Benson (actress) - born 1989
Brad Pitt (actor, famous husband) - born 1963
Steven Spielberg (film director) - born 1946
Historically, December 18 was the birthday of :
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (1863-1914)
Joseph Stalin, Russian dictator (1878-1953)
Willy Brandt, postwar German leader (1913-1992)
Betty Grable, actress and pin-up model (1916-1973)
Roger Smith, actor and famous husband (1932-2017)
Lonnie Brooks, country singer (1933-2017)
A few celebrities that were born on December 7 are Emily Browning, Jennifer Carpenter and Tom Waits.
people think Disney channel was made up then by Walter Disney. Disney was born on the 7th of December
Saki was born on December 18 1870, in the united kingdom
Edmund Kemper was born on December 18, 1948.
Don Beebe was born on December 18, 1964.
Some celebrities that were born on December 12th are Bob Barker, Mayim Bialik, and Jennifer Connelly.
A few celebrities that were born on December 7 are Emily Browning, Jennifer Carpenter and Tom Waits.
Michael McDonald, and Jude Law.
Christina Aguilera was born on December 18, 1980
people think Disney channel was made up then by Walter Disney. Disney was born on the 7th of December
Jordan sparks,ali lohan and Vanessa paradis
Lil Wayne- September 27
Katie Holmes was born on December 18, 1978
December Ngobeni was born on 1975-12-18.
Mario Frangoulis was born on December 18, 1967
Actors and musicians born in December include Britney Spears, Jay Z, and Nicki Minaj. Other celebrities include Taylor Swift, Jamie Foxx, and Samuel L. Jackson.
She was born in December 1992, she's 17 right now