Tony Kakko - Finish singer of Sonata Arctica
Tonéx - American Singer
A wide variety of famous people were born in 1925. They include Margaret Thatcher, Paul Newman, Johnny Carson, Malcolm X, Yogi Berra, Angela Lansbury, Dick Van Dyke, and Sammy Davis Jr.
A few celebrities that were born on December 7 are Emily Browning, Jennifer Carpenter and Tom Waits.
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There are only a few celebrities that were born with purple eyes. One very famous actress that was known have been born with purple eyes is Elizabeth Taylor.
Martin Luther King!:)
Check the related link.
Celebrities born on September 29 include: Historically, September 29 was the birthday of:
Some celebrities that were born on December 12th are Bob Barker, Mayim Bialik, and Jennifer Connelly.
A few celebrities that were born on December 7 are Emily Browning, Jennifer Carpenter and Tom Waits.
bill gates
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vanessa hudgens
John Mayer was born on October 16th
Celebrities born on October 7 includeAyla Kell (TV actress) - born 1990Toni Braxton (singer) - born 1967Simon Cowell (music producer) - born 1959Yo-Yo Ma (cellist) - born 1955Vladimir Putin (Russian leader) - born 1952John Mellencamp (singer) - born 1951Desmond Tutu (archbishop) - born 1931Historically, October 7 was the birthday of :Neils Bohr, Danish physicist (1885-1962)Elijah Muhammad, Nation of Islam leader (1897-1975)June Allyson, actress (1917-2006)
yes you! lolxx
Micheal Jackson