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Their intended destination is never mentioned. It is simply implied, from things said by Ralph and Piggy, that the boys were being evacuated to a place of safety becasue Britain was involved in a nuclear war with 'The Reds.'

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15y ago
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12y ago

The book takes place during the time of a war (World War 2) so the boys were put on planes to be taken somewhere safe, but their plane crashed on an uninhabited island when it was shot down by an unknown enemy.

Another answer: The boys are being evacuated from England, which is involved in some imagined future nuclear war against 'The Reds.'

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13y ago

If you bothered to read even the first two pages of the book you would know that the boys were travelling on a plane. The "passenger tube" of this plane was ejected during a storm because the plane was attacked. The "passenger tube" then crash landed on the island and was soon dragged out to sea by the storm, with many of the boys still on board.

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8y ago

I've included several quotes made by Piggy in the first chapter in this answer. It would seem that the boys were on an airplane and were being evacuated to a place of safety away from a war zone. It appears that the plane was then attacked and the pilot ejected the "passenger tube," containing the boys. Piggy says "He must have flown off after he dropped us. he couldn't land here. Not in a plane with wheels." Piggy also says, "I saw the other part of the plane. There were flames coming out of it." The ejected, pilotless, "passenger tube" crashed onto the island, where it caused a "scar" in the jungle. A storm, which also caused trees to fall, dragged the passenger tube out to sea, along with any children and adults who still remained on board.


This was a set book when I was at school. The boys were indeed being evacuated, and apparently from Britain because some at least were "public school" pupils, though the war itself is unspecified. My school-days were a long time ago but I don't recall the text saying much about the crash. The pilot could not have "ejected the passenger tube" (fuselage) as that's not possible, so was that one of Piggy's suggestions?

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13y ago

How did they get rescued? A passing ship saw the fire signal and came to investigate.

Why did they get rescued? William Goulding wanted the story to have a happy ending.

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15y ago

The boys were being evacuated from England to escape a war.

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The story does not explain why the plane crashed.

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11y ago

Their pilot had to make an emergency landing/crash due to possible attack from Germany

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Q: What caused the plane to crash in lord of the flies?
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The scar is the dent that the plane made on the island when it crashed into the island.

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The plane crash in "Lord of the Flies" symbolizes the boys' descent from civilization into savagery. It represents the loss of order, authority, and the entrance into a world of chaos and violence. It also serves as a metaphor for the breakdown of societal norms and human nature under extreme circumstances.

What caused the plane to crash and what happened to the plane after the crash Lord of the flies?

In the novel "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding, the plane crashes on a deserted island due to an unspecified accident. After the crash, the plane wreckage is left scattered and abandoned on the island, symbolizing the boys' severed ties to civilization.

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The first few paragraphs take place in the scar, left in the jungle by the crash of the "passenger tube" of the plane.

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Lord of the Flies scar?

In "Lord of the Flies", the scar refers to the gash left on the island from the plane crash. It symbolizes the violent disruption caused by the boys' arrival and their descent into savagery. The scar serves as a reminder of the destructive potential of human nature.

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What is the scar in Lord of the Flies?

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