No, it is illegal to date someone of more that 3 years of age difference.
Will grier is 18 years old
18 years old on feb.1,2012
Nadia is 18 years old.
She is 18 years old.
you have to be 18 years old
The state you live in determines the age, I believe, but it is generally 18 years old. you have to be 18 or older
Under 18 years old.
17 years old and 100 pounds. But usually there are other criteria and questionaires you have to answer.
All of them. Once they are over 18 years old, they are no longer kids!
18 years of age. Also you need to have appropriate levels of haemoglobin in blood and weight.
either under 21 or 18 depending on which state you live in if your under the age of 18 years of age your concidered a minor if your under the age of 18 years of age your concidered a minor
Yes, individuals under 18 years old can go to jail, but they are typically sent to juvenile detention centers instead of adult prisons.
As of 2021, around 18% of the UK population is under 16 years old.
No, it is required only if you are under the age of 18 years.
England from 16-years-old.
i say anyone under the age of 18 years old