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Trish Stratus is not in SmackDown vs. Raw 2009.
Yes they will be in Smackdown vs Raw 2010 in a black outfit
No. In the PSP. Smackdown vs raw doesn't had a superstar threads.
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There is no Sheamus unlockable on Smackdown vs Raw 2010. You have to create him.
you don't have to he is in smackdown vs raw 2010 already
Batista is on Smackdown VS Raw, Smackdown VS Raw 2008, Smackdown VS Raw 2007 Smackdown VS Raw 2009, Smackdown VS Raw 2010 and will be in Smackdown VS RAW 2011 and so on...
He is not in Smackdown vs Raw 2010.
The springboard moves ability in Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 does not need to be unlocked; you have to give it to a superstar in create-a-moveset.
Smackdown vs. Raw
Smackdown vs raw 2010 does.
Smackdown vs. Raw 2010 comes out fall 2009.
yes there is smackdown vs raw 2010 for PC
No jillian hall is not in smackdown vs raw 2010