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Nothing. Most studies suggest that sexual orientation is fixed before birth and there is no way of changing this.

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Q: What can be done to prevent homosexuality and lesbianism?
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What was the 1920's English term for homosexuality?

I know people referred to lesbianism as sapphos.

What problems and prospects does homosexuality and lesbianism pose on Christianity?

It calls into question if the bible is old and out of touch with how progressive we are.

What does homosexuality prevent?

homosexuality doesn't prevent anything, except possibly, unwanted pregnancy.

What has the author Irving Ashby written?

Irving Ashby has written: 'Primal threat' -- subject(s): Homosexuality, Homophobia, Lesbianism, Sexism

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Bernice Goodman has written: 'Confronting homophobia' -- subject(s): Gay liberation movement, Homosexuality, Lesbian community, Lesbianism

Is being gay more common in female or male?

This just in! Recent research indicates that women are more likely to change sexual preferences over the course of their lives. This may well be an evolutionary response to take older females out of the running for mates, or it may indicate that women are more honest about their feelings. This may explain the difficulty researchers have had answering the question of relative incidence of homosexuality, and why some surveys have indicated that lesbianism is less common than male homosexuality. (No surveys to date have indicated that lesbianism is more common than male homosexuality.)

What are the solution of lesbianism?

Lesbianism requires no solution.

What has the author Julie Abraham written?

Julie Abraham has written: 'Metropolitan lovers' -- subject(s): History, City and town life in literature, History and criticism, American literature, Cities and towns in literature, Gays, Homosexuality, Homosexuality in literature, Social conditions, Lesbianism in literature, City and town life

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Chris Straayer has written: 'Deviant eyes, deviant bodies' -- subject(s): Feminist film criticism, Homosexuality in motion pictures, Sex role in motion pictures, Lesbianism in motion pictures

What may be the reason to prevent homosexuality if it is genetic?

Homosexuality cannot be prevented. Also, it is not believed to be purely genetic. Sexual orientation is something that is fixed at an early age, possibly birth. Being gay is just as natural as being straight. Even if there were a way to prevent it, there is no reason to prevent it.