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he is a husly

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Q: What breed is Demon from Snow Dogs?
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What are the dogs names on snow dogs with the huskies?

demon nana mac diesel digger yodel sniff

Which breed-of-dogs are snow-dogs?

Hey... Usually snow dogs are huskies! They have a very thick coat that allows them to stay warm and the pads on the bottom of their feet are adapted to the cold snow!

Why was Demon from Snow Dogs mean?

He had a bad tooth that was giving him a lot of pain. After it was extracted, he became friendly.

What breed of dogs are snow dogs?

They are Husky 's if you mean the ones in the Iditarod in Alaska.There are also Malamutes. And Samoyeds used as sled dogs.

Which is the smart dog in Snow Dogs the movie?

the smartest dog breeds are border collies , poodles and labs

Why were snow dogs introduced?

Snow dogs help pull supplies and handlers in the snow.

Are pure breed dogs smarter than mixed breed dogs?

No, not necessarily true, but mixed breed dogs do live longer than pure bred dogs

How do you open the beach and the snow park in petz dog pack?

Play and breed lot of dogs to unlock start with park go to beach end with snow Park or go to a website to get the unlocking codes.

What is the duration of Snow Dogs?

The duration of Snow Dogs is 1.68 hours.

Where do dogs live in minecraft?

Dogs (Wolves) typically wander around the Taiga/Snow Biome. You can tame a wolf by giving it bones, and keep it healthy by feeding it meat and breed it by feeding it rotten flesh.

When was Snow Dogs created?

Snow Dogs was created on 2002-01-18.

When was Snow Dogs released?

Snow Dogs was released on 01/18/2002.