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Alan Harper wears Ralph Lauren pajamas and robes

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Q: What brand of pj's does Alan Harper wear?
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Does Miley Cyrus wear pjs?

Of course she does what else would she wear to bed?

What do teenage boys wear in bed?

Feety pjs, of course! not they don't they wear boxers

Do most people wear underwear under pajamas?

The wearing of underwear under pjs is a matter of personal preference. They wear whatever is comfortable for them. Then too, it depends on why they are wearing pajamas. Most people here in the west use pjs mainly for sleeping and may or may not wear underwear with them. However there are some cultures that wear pjs as lounging attire at home and these people more than likely would wear underwear beneath the pajama.

Are PJs lame?

As long as you're not wearing them in public (unless you're like 6 years old) then pjs are forever cool! What are you gonna wear jeans ugg boots and a leather jacket to bed? HA ha ha! No, pjs are not lame.

Are you a boy suposed to wear underwear under your flannel pjs when you have a family that lives with you?


Do all teen boys wear pjs?

No some wear just boxers/underwear, some wear just a shirt or some sleep nude it varies.

Do polar bears wear pjs?

No..They are wearing their PJs..all the time, or it would seem so. That is just their everyday walk about clothes. But they do a great job of keeping it clean, they wash in the snow, and water during, and after their meals.

Should girls wear PJs or night gowns?

Girls are more prone to wear full pajamas when the weather is cold and night gowns when its warmer.

What is the duration of The PJs?

The duration of The PJs is 1440.0 seconds.

On the tv show the pjs what does pjs stand for?

the projects

How do you get your parents to buy you footed pjs?

Say that it is to be more comfortable during the night, to have a better a longer sleep... Or if it is to wear during the day, say that if you are more comfortable (with footed PJs), you will be able to do better homework... Well, to sum up, tell your parents that footed PJs would makes you happier ! (Add the argument that you would be wiser/more sensible with footed PJs on !) And if you have good relationships with your parents, it should be okay :)

When did The PJs end?

The PJs ended on 2001-07-01.