Yes he does and Katniss says yes. However both know their not ready but they were forced to do it by the capitol so they did but never got married.
At the end of Mockingjay, Katniss chooses Peeta.
This book is filled with so much suspense! Here are only a few examples that you can translate any way you need to... Book 1: Will Katniss win the games? will she sacrifice her life for Peeta or another tribute such as Rue? Will Peeta die of sickness? will the careers kill Katniss? How will Gale feel about Katniss, if she returns from the games with Peeta? Will Katniss be punished by the capitol for rebelling? Book 2: Will Peeta forgive Katniss for pretending to fall in love with him so they could both win the games? will Katniss actually choose to love Peeta or Gale? What happened to Peeta as he was taken by the capitol? Will Peeta kill himself to save Katniss or vice-versa? Book 3: Will Katniss ever get Peeta to love her again? What happens to Prim? What will happen with Annie and Finnick? Does Peeta remember how he loved Katniss so much and will he ever be able to love her again? What happens between Katniss and Gale? Do Katniss and Johanna ever become friends? Does Katniss really love Peeta? Not all of these examples have to do with straight up action but they all keep you guessing!
Peeta announces Katniss is pregnant (but she really isn't) in Catching Fire, the second book, but I don't know what page.
Peeta and Katniss.Catching Fire revolves around Katniss's fake pregnancy with Peeta's child and their marriage. There is small Katniss/Gale mentioned, such as Gale's quick kiss with Katniss, but the main pairing is Katniss/Peeta.
Peeta and Katniss is Penis or Peetas Kats
yes he does, in front of all of Panem too
In the same year as katniss but is not shown in the book katniss and peeta are the same age
Katniss and Peeta visit the other districts in book two, Catching Fire.
Yes, Peeta and Katniss participate in the Games in the book Cathing Fire.
ups> peeta finally gets to be with katniss, katniss and peeta win the hunger games downs> katniss broke peetas heart, the capitol wants katniss and peeta dead
Well, Katniss begins to like Peeta and Gale doesn't really appear much in the book, so it's mostly Peeta and Katniss.
At the end of Mockingjay, Katniss chooses Peeta.
Yes, Peeta loved Katniss the entire book. However, he was saddened at the end of the book because Katniss didn't really know if she loved him, after playing that she did.
Katniss takes her pin, Peeta takes a locket.
This book is filled with so much suspense! Here are only a few examples that you can translate any way you need to... Book 1: Will Katniss win the games? will she sacrifice her life for Peeta or another tribute such as Rue? Will Peeta die of sickness? will the careers kill Katniss? How will Gale feel about Katniss, if she returns from the games with Peeta? Will Katniss be punished by the capitol for rebelling? Book 2: Will Peeta forgive Katniss for pretending to fall in love with him so they could both win the games? will Katniss actually choose to love Peeta or Gale? What happened to Peeta as he was taken by the capitol? Will Peeta kill himself to save Katniss or vice-versa? Book 3: Will Katniss ever get Peeta to love her again? What happens to Prim? What will happen with Annie and Finnick? Does Peeta remember how he loved Katniss so much and will he ever be able to love her again? What happens between Katniss and Gale? Do Katniss and Johanna ever become friends? Does Katniss really love Peeta? Not all of these examples have to do with straight up action but they all keep you guessing!
he hide in the mud nest to the river after his leg was hurt in the firdt book.
it was forced because they had to show everyone their love for eachother.