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The Dilly Sisters were noted on being on the Banana Splits were a real Mexican duet in 1968 known as Las Hermanas Nuñez, sometimes known as las Hermanitas singers.

The Banana Splits were also occasionally visited by the Mariachi-tuned Dilly Sisters (an actual musical act from Mexico), who would appear at their door playing guitars and singing "The Mexican Hat Dance" or "Ta-ra-ra Boom-de-ay" in the first season.

Las Dilly Sisters released a single- Sometimes Good Guys Don´t Wear White in 1968 or 1969.

Miriam Núñez and Nelly Nunez

Nelly lives in United States and retired from singing publically.

Miriam still performs throughout Mexico and South America, 45 years singing.

LAS HERMANITAS NUÑEZMay 31, 2012-This is Miriam, Nelly Nunez today.

Reconciliacion was a hit in Mexico

Miriam, Nelly Nunez as young Ladies.

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The Dilly Sisters are actually sisters. And, they did grow up. The older one is a retired police officer. The younger is a tenured professor in the Cal State System.

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