Joe Satriani goes by Satch.
San Fransisco, California.
Joe Satriani
Joe Satriani is 60 years old (birthdate: July 15, 1956).
I would say that it is worth a lot. Joe Satriani owns, and probably gets an extreme amount of hits per day....
Joe Satriani has an Italian background.
Mick Jagger from The Rolling Stones
Joe Satriani goes by Satch.
Joe Satriani is about 5ft 7 in. (170cm)
Joe Satriani is about 5ft 7 in. (170cm)
Joe Satriani was born on July 15, 1956.
Joe Satriani was born on July 15, 1956.
The Joe Satriani EP was created in 1984.
Joe Satriani - album - was created in 1995.
Joe Satriani was born on July 15, 1956.
Joe Satriani was Kirk's guitar teacher. Satriani is well known for his solo career as well as his recent activity in the band Chickenfoot.
Joe Satriani does not have a daughter. He has 1 son named ZZ (Zachariah Zane)