these are the bands you're looking for:!
hope you like it
brokencyde, dot dot curve, murder at the dance club , jeffree star, ect.
Christofer said when he made the name a lot of bands on MySpace were doing the one name kind of thing and he was just following the trend. the actual name came from and old band song.
relient k is my favorite band. my other favorite bands are hawk nelson and family force five. if you've never heard them, LOOK THEM UP NOW!
Some of the similar bands would be:
Joplin, Missouri but he is touring so much that he is rarly home
never shout never , plug in stereo, stereo skyline, the summer set
The lead singer of the bands never shout never. and EatMeWhileImHot!
never shout never and eatmewhileimhot!
NEVER SHOUT NEVER they have really cute songs ;)
well, christofer drew, hayden, and taylor all lived in Missouri, and were friends since they were about 13. they had many "bands" growing up. but in 2008 "found" never shout never.
never shout never eatmewhileimhot the modern racket GONZO
If you mean bands, I would suggest a few of these; All Time Low, Mayday Parade, Blink-182, The Academy Is. . . , and other such bands.
He his always doing different tours with different bands, go to his website for tour dates and places (
Well...they are both technically pop singers, but they have completely different sounds.
brokencyde, dot dot curve, murder at the dance club , jeffree star, ect.
He shouted, " NEVER SAY NEVER!" Or: I don't want to hear you shout, "Never shout never" ever again.
Never Shout Never still exists.