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Well, in Attack of the Clones, he lost his right arm in a duel with the Sith Lord, Count Dooku back when he was a Jedi. However, in Revenge of the Sith he loses his left arm in a duel with his old Jedi master Obi-Wun Kenobi when he's then was turned to the Dark Side.

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Q: What arm did Vader lose?
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Who cut off the arm of Darth Vader during a fight?

Luke Skywalker

Does Darth Vader get his arm cut off?

Yes, but not only once. In "Revenge of the Sith," Obi-Wan defeated the duel against Vader by cutting off both of his legs and his left arm. And in "Return of the Jedi," Vader got his right hand cut off because Luke Skywalker was giving into anger and he was dueling Vader within his rage. When Vader was originally Anakin Skywalker in "Attack of the Clones," Anakin lost his right arm during a duel with Count Dooku on Geonosis.

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yes but proberly a not verry good one concidering he choped of his arm :(

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No but I wish she did.