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the long skiny ones for competative

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Q: What are types of crafts used in commercial competitive and recreational rowing?
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Is quadathlon a sport?

Yes - a quadrathlon consists of rowing, swmming, biking and running.

Rowing the sport how big in UK?

It is very big, especially if you live near a lake or river that is a good rowing ground. Although in Britain it is more a competitive atmosphere whereas like in Australia the rowing atmosphere is very competitive but also there is an aspect of social rowing which can be enjoyed at all levels and by all ages.

What are metal oars?

Metal oars are rowing tools used for propelling boats through water. They are typically made of aluminum or stainless steel and provide durability and strength for rowing activities. Metal oars are commonly used in larger boats or for recreational and competitive rowing.

What changes occur in the digestive and urinary system when someone is involved in competitive rowing in 2000 meters that last 5 to 7 minutes?

Competitive rowing is a demanding sport. What changes occur in the digestive and urinary system when someone is involved in a 2000 meter race that last for 5 to 7 minutes?

Didn't Tony Little put out a line of rowing machines?

"No, Tony Little was the guy that put out the Gazelle, not rowing machines." "You can do it!! He may have starred in a Geico commercial, but he didn't put out a line of rowing machines. He was all over that crazy eliptical machine."

What sport includes the categories single double quad sculls?

Single, double and quad sculls are categories in the sport of competitive rowing.

What sport includes the categories single double and quad sculls?

Single, double and quad sculls are categories in the sport of competitive rowing.

What is sweep rowing?

"sweep rowing" is a type of rowing stroke. A sweep oar boat is where each rower has only one oar, on alternate sides down the boat, and a sculling boat is one where each rower has 2 oars, one in each hand. A sweep rowing boat can hold 1, 2, 4 or 8 rowers, and a sculling boat can hold 1, 2 or 4.

How do you play rowing?

You dont play rowing you row(insert what you are rowing here)

Which sports involving rowing?


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How did who become to like rowing?

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