The Total Drama Island couples are:
Duncan and Courtney
Tyler and Lindsey
Trent and Gwen
Geoff and Bridgette
Cody and Beth {maybe, they did kiss}
Owen and Izzy
Harold and LeShawna
*Katie and Sadie like Justin. Cody likes Gwen. Ezekiel likes Bridgette. SPOILER: Justin starts to like Courtney in Total Drama Action.
SPOILER: In Total Drama Action, though, there is a twist between Duncan, Gwen, and Trent. Trent and Gwen end up breaking up because Trent is throwing matches for her, and because he was creeping her out with the whole "9" thing. As a result, Trent got kicked off because of Gwen. Gwen and Duncan are seen flirting and Duncan wrestled her to the ground.
SPOILER- in total drama world tour, Duncan and Gwen become a couple, Sierra has a major crush on Cody, and Heather and Alejandro like each other (they sort of become a couple)
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Well, the couples in TDA are Izzy and Owen, Courtney and Duncan, Gwen and Trent (that last one kinda' broken), Harlod and Leshawna (admitted at the last moment in an Aftermath by Leshawna), Geoff and Bridgette, (only makin' out, bah), and......... Beth and Brady...
They are the Killer Grips and the screaming Gaffers. Trent, Lindsay, Beth, Justin, Izzy and Owen are the Grips. Gwen, Duncan, Leshawna, DJ, and Heather are the Gaffers. The winner is Duncan. (Hopefully, he returns for Season 3 and is the first to be eliminated--by himself)
Bridgette, Geoff, Izzy, Owen, Beth, Justin, Gwen, Dj, Duncan, Trent, Lindsay, LeShawna, Harold, and Heather. Courtney comes in episode 13 titled "Ocean's Eight... Or Nine", when she sues the show.
The host is Chris McLean and Chef.
In the beginning of TDA, Gwen and Trent are going out but broke up in 3:10 to Crazytown. Duncan and Courtney went out in TDI but since Courtney is not in the show until ep.13, I don't know if they are getting back together or not. Courtney mistook Gwen and Duncan's friendship in the Aftermath#2 as a romantic relationship too. Geoff and Bridgette have been dating since TDI and are obsessive about it, as they never stop making out. Izzy still hasn't forgiven Owen for the "pushing her in front of a psycho killer" incident, so they are basically broken up. Izzy also went on a date with a robot and keeps talking about her long-distance relationship with her ex, Graham. Heather is single. LaShawna was going out with Herald in TDI, but she states to be over it and he seems to have a crush on Heather. Beth has a major crush on Justin while Lindsay hasn't yet discovered that Tyler isn't in the show anymore but they are going out. Hope That Helps!
they dontgive out any last names in total drama action or island
Season 1. Total Drama Island Season 2. Total Drama Action Season 3. Total Drama: World Tour Season 4. Total Drama Reloaded
The Total Drama TV serires is currently nearing the end of their third season, with Heather, Alejandro, and Cody finishing. Season 1)Total Drama Island Season 2)Total Drama Action Season 3)Total Drama World Tour
It depends. who was voted off in the last total drama action? Geoff and bridgette? Izzy? if izzy then it will be Trent next. if it was bridgette and geoff the it is izzy.
Sarah Gadon .