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Q: What are the tiny sponges growing from the main body of a sponge called?
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What Tiny sponges growing from the main body of the sponge are called?

buds or budding

What are the tiny sponges growing from the main body of the sponge called?

buds or budding

What are sponges defenses?

Sponges have a variety of defenses against predators, including producing toxins, secreting a distasteful substance, releasing mucous to trap predators, and being able to quickly regenerate if damaged. Some sponges can also contract or close their pores to protect themselves.

What body cavity does a sponge have?

Sponges have no proper body cavity or coelom. However, in the everyday sense of the expression, there is a cavity inside sponges, which is called a spongocoel.

What does body organs do sponges have?

sponges have no cells which means no tissues and that means no organs because of what the cycle is there would not be any organs in the body of a sponge

How do sponges survive?

Sponges can regenerate the entire organism from just a conglomeration of their cells. They can be cut up or mashed, and as long as they have two special cells called collencytes, which produce the gelatinous matrix in the sponge, and archeocytes, which produce all the other cells in the spongeâ??s body, the sponge will reform into the sponge it once was. Although, it will look different.

What are the three classes of sponge skeleton's?

The three classes of sponge skeletons are siliceous or glass sponges (Class Hexactinellida), calcareous sponges (Class Calcarea), and sponges with a fibrous protein skeleton (Class Demospongiae). Each class has unique structural characteristics that support the sponge's body.

What is the difference between a hard prickly sponge and a soft sponge?

a sponge is an invertabrate it has no back bone some sponges have holes in the body so they can breath and capture food. sponges skin is made out of soft spongey tissue.

What is the coelomic condition of the sponge?

The sponges are Acoelomates. That is they don't have coelom or body cavity.

What type of sponge material supports a sponges body structure?

A network of spongin or spicules.

What are the two main functions of spikes on sponges?

To protect the sponge's body.

What sponge body type is most efficient and makes the largest body size?

Sponges with a leuconoid body type are the most efficient in terms of maximizing the surface area for nutrient exchange and can grow to larger sizes compared to other body types like asconoid or syconoid. These sponges have complex canal systems that increase the efficiency of nutrient uptake and waste removal.