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Coach Carter has always supported the cause of right to education and better education. His goal is not only to get the players to respect and believe in him as coach, but to respect and believe in each other and themselves and this is how they will gain success in their future.

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Q: What are the strengths of coach carter in the movie?
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Which songs on the Coach Carter soundtrack was made specifically for the movie?

There are many songs on the Coach Carter soundtrack that were made specifically for the movie. Examples of songs from the Coach Carter soundtrack that were made specifically for the movie includes "All Night Long" and "No Need for Conversation".

In which movie does a basketball coach bench his undefeated team for bad grades?

Coach Carter

Who stars in the movie Coach Carter which is a true story about a high school basketball coach?

Samuel L Jackson played the lead role as Coach Ken Carter.

What was the movie starring Samuel L. Jackson where he played the basketball coach?

The movie you are looking for is 187. Great movie.

Is Twista in Coach Carter the movie?

Twista (aka Carl Terrell Mitchell), does not have an acting role in Coach Carter (2005), but he does perform the song "Hope" on the soundtrack.

What is the song in Coach Carter?

There were many songs in the movie Coach Carter. Check the link below for the whole list.

What role does coach carter's family play in the movie?

a supportive role

What is the significance of the movie Coach Carter?

The movie " Coach Carter" brought a lot of significance to us and one of it is about education. As coach Carter mentioned in the movie that education is more important than athletics. He explained to the students that yes you may get some where with athletics that would make you and your team champions, but if you get an education, you can go as far as you want. And education would also make you a champion for your future and for your parents.

What movie is that when Samuel L. Jackson says college don't meant?

Coach Carter

Who is the author of Coach Carter?

Jasmine Jones is the author of Coach Carter

What movie is the song let the drummer kick by citizen cope in?

Accepted and Coach Carter. You're welcome :)