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Lupang Hinirang.

~ xoxo, Dadee.

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Q: What are the songs of Julian Felipe who's he composed?
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Whos sings the song called tonight?

According to my knowledge there are many songs which had 'tonight' in them Enrique has a song 'tonight'

How many songs does sour kangaroo have in seusical the musical?

the songs where it has solos is biggest blame fool, all the thinks you can think, chasing the whos, and egg,nest,and tree. I think those are the only ones where it has solos, however it might be in more songs where it has no solos.

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greystripe's mate is silverstream,whos father is croockedstar,whos brother is oakheart,whos mate is bluestar,whos sister is snowfur,whos son is whitestorm,whos daughter is sorreltail,whos mate is brackenfur,whos sister is cinderpelt,whos sister is brightheart,whos mate is cloudtail,whos uncle is firestar

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yes (whos bob?)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-) yes (whos bob?)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

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The main topic of gosip with her is whos her boyfriend but personaly since shes my favourite singer I think that it shouldnt matter, its only her buisness but all her songs are about boys and they are good!

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Some songs related to "The Scarlet Ibis" include "Wings" by Birdy, "Blood" by The Middle East, and "Brother" by Kodaline. These songs capture themes of brotherhood, sacrifice, and redemption, which are central to the story of "The Scarlet Ibis."

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she had her head shaved for cancer which show she does help the society also her songs are about meaning full things like 'whos laughing now' is about bulling and standing up for yourself

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