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The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist."

- William Golding, Lord of the Flies, Ch. 11

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13y ago

Piggy and Ralph discover the conch together- as it is Piggy who sees it and identifies what it is but Ralph who fishes it out of the water. Thi si the start of their relationship where Piggy theorises and uses his wosdom, yet Ralph is the one who takes action and actually gets things done.

The conch then continues to be a symbol of order and civilized society throughout the novel, as the one thing that the boys follow and brings them together into their meetings. The rules associateed with the conch mean that the children need to meet at the meeting place. The other rule is that somebody needs to be holding the conch in order to speak in a meeting. This rings back to the school assembly and the civilization that the children are used to.

However, near the end of the novel as it is shattered during Piggy's death it demonstates the complete breakdown of society and turn to savagery.

Throughout the novel power belongs to the person with the conch up until the end,,where even though Piggy is holding th conch nobody listens to him and he is eventually murdered. This could show a range of things. One is that at this point society has a;ready broken down and not even the conch can stop the decent into savagery. Another is that it is Piggy who is too weak to wield the conch, and it needs to be in the right hands to mean anything.

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14y ago

Piggy and Ralph discover the conch together- as it is Piggy who sees it and identifies what it is but Ralph who fishes it out of the water. Thi si the start of their relationship where Piggy theorises and uses his wosdom, yet Ralph is the one who takes action and actually gets things done.

The conch then continues to be a symbol of order and civilized society throughout the novel, as the one thing that the boys follow and brongs them together into their meetings. However, near the end of the novel as it is shattered during Piggy's death it demonstates the complete breakdown of society and turn to savagery.

Throughout the novel power belongs to the person with the conch up until the end,,where even though Piggy is holding th conch nobody listens to him and he is eventually murdered. This could show a range of things. One is that at this point society has a;ready broken down and not even the conch can stop the decent into savagery. Another is that it is Piggy who is too weak to wield the conch, and it needs to be in the right hands to mean anything.

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13y ago

Piggy and Ralph discover the conch together- as it is Piggy who sees it and identifies what it is but Ralph who fishes it out of the water. Thi si the start of their relationship where Piggy theorises and uses his wosdom, yet Ralph is the one who takes action and actually gets things done.

The conch then continues to be a symbol of order and civilized society throughout the novel, as the one thing that the boys follow and brings them together into their meetings. The rules associateed with the conch mean that the children need to meet at the meeting place. The other rule is that somebody needs to be holding the conch in order to speak in a meeting. This rings back to the school assembly and the civilization that the children are used to.

However, near the end of the novel as it is shattered during Piggy's death it demonstates the complete breakdown of society and turn to savagery.

Throughout the novel power belongs to the person with the conch up until the end,,where even though Piggy is holding th conch nobody listens to him and he is eventually murdered. This could show a range of things. One is that at this point society has a;ready broken down and not even the conch can stop the decent into savagery. Another is that it is Piggy who is too weak to wield the conch, and it needs to be in the right hands to mean anything

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15y ago

Whoever is holding the conch gets to speak and everyone else must listen.

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12y ago

The rule of the conch is that the only person who can talk at the meetings is the one with the conch.

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14y ago

in order to talk you have to be holding the conch

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The rule is that only the person holding the conch is allowed to speak.

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13y ago

it was used to bring all the boys together for meetings and it was a symbol of power.

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Q: What are the rules of the conch on Lord of the Flies?
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Who finds the conch in "Lord of the Flies"?

In "Lord of the Flies," the character named Piggy finds the conch.

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The two reasons why the littleuns obey the call of the conch in "Lord of the Flies" are that it represents order and authority for them, and they have been conditioned to follow rules from their upbringing in society.

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The conch shell in "Lord of the Flies" symbolizes order, authority, and civilization. It represents the boys' ability to govern themselves and maintain a sense of democracy. As the conch's power diminishes, so does the boys' adherence to rules and societal norms, leading to chaos and savagery.

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One example of a cliche in "Lord of the Flies" is the symbolism of the conch shell representing order and civilization. This symbol is used repeatedly throughout the novel to convey the boys' gradual descent into savagery as they disregard the rules associated with the conch.

What is the significance and purpose of the conch in "Lord of the Flies"?

In "Lord of the Flies," the conch symbolizes order, civilization, and democracy. It is used to call meetings and establish rules among the boys stranded on the island. The conch's significance lies in its ability to maintain a sense of structure and authority in the group, highlighting the struggle between civilization and savagery.

In Lord of the Flies what are the rules of the conch?

When Ralph blows the conch, it signifies that there will be a meeting and that all should gather round. When a particular person is holding the conch, it means that they are allowed to voice their thoughts an opinions. The conch itself signifies civility and order.

Who blows the conch to call meetings in Lord of the Flies?

Ralph blows the conch to call meetings in "Lord of the Flies." The conch becomes a symbol of authority and order on the island.

What is the significance of the conch in "Lord of the Flies" and how does it influence the boys' behavior on the island?

In "Lord of the Flies," the conch symbolizes order and civilization. It influences the boys' behavior by giving them a sense of authority and structure. When the conch is blown, it calls the boys together for meetings and helps maintain a sense of democracy and rules. As the conch's power diminishes, so does the boys' adherence to order, leading to chaos and violence on the island.

In Lord of the Flies what do the conch and knife symbolise?

The Conch Represents Democracy, order and civility

Who does Simon protect in Lord of the Flies?

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