Strange Sea Water Creatures - 1914 was released on:
USA: 24 March 1914
the title "beast in the water" is significant because in that chapter the boys think and discuss that the beast could have come from the sea.
A Tug in a Heavy Sea - 1898 was released on: USA: April 1898
After the boy's had mocked Percival's report of seeing the beast, by telling him no large animal could live on such a small island, Percival gave them pause for thought when he told them that the beast came from the sea.
Ultimate Warfare - 2012 Courage at Sea 1-5 was released on: USA: 12 February 2013
Sea Tales - 1997 Inferno on the Morro Castle 1-1 was released on: USA: 4 September 1997
The Sea Beast was created on 1926-01-15.
A Sea Dog's Tale - 1926 was released on: USA: 11 July 1926
Sea Horses - 1926 was released on: USA: 22 February 1926 Finland: 17 January 1927
Breed of the Sea - 1926 was released on: USA: 7 November 1926 Finland: 4 March 1928
The Eagle of the Sea - 1926 was released on: USA: 18 October 1926 Austria: 1927 Finland: 19 September 1927 Portugal: 8 June 1928
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea - 1964 The Brand of the Beast 3-14 was released on: USA: 18 December 1966
Beast Hunter - 2011 Sea Serpent of the North 1-4 was released on: USA: 18 March 2011
Beauty and the Beast - 1987 Down to a Sunless Sea 1-17 was released on: USA: 19 February 1988 Netherlands: 28 January 1989
Savages of the Sea - 1925 was released on: USA: 17 February 1925 (New York City, New York) Portugal: 9 December 1926
Sea Beast was created in 2008.
The duration of Sea Beast is 1.45 hours.
The duration of The Sea Beast is 1.67 hours.