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Cats 101 - 2008 Domestic Shorthair British Shorthair Munchkin Devon Rex American Bobtail La Perm 3-1 was released on:

USA: 18 September 2010

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Q: What are the release dates for Cats 101 - 2008 Domestic Shorthair British Shorthair Munchkin Devon Rex American Bobtail La Perm 3-1?
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Related questions

Is the American Shorthair cat breed closely related to the American Bobtail cat breed?

No, the American Shorthair cat breed isn't closely related to the American Bobtail cat breed.

Types of cats that start with an A?

* Abyssinian * American Bobtail * American Curl * American Shorthair * American Wirehair

What are the different varieties of cat breeds?

This is not a complete list of all cat breeds, just some of them: Abyssinian Australian Mist American Bobtail American Curl American Shorthair/Longhair American Wirehair Balinese Bengal Birman Bombay Brazilian British Shorthair/Longhair Burmese Chantilly/Tiffany Chartreux Cornish Rex Devon Rex Domestic Shorthair/Longhair (Moggy) Egyptian Mau Exotic Shorthair Havana Brown Japanese Bobtail Maine Coon Manx Munchkin Norwegian Forest Cat Oriental Shorthair/Longhair Persian Ragamuffin Ragdoll Russian Blue Savannah Scottish Fold Siamese Siberian Snowshoe Sphynx Tonkinese Turkish Van York Chocolate Cat

Types of cat?

Abyssinian American Bobtail American Curl American Shorthair American Wirehair Balinese Bengal Birman Bombay British Shorthair Burmese Chartreux Chausie Colorpoint Shorthair Cornish Rex Devon Rex Egyptian Mau Euro Burmese Exotic Shorthair Havana Brown Highlander Himalayan Japanese Bobtail Javanese Korat LaPerm lion Maine Coon Manx Manx (formerly Cymric) Munchkin Norwegian Forest Cat Ocicat Oriental Longhair Oriental Shorthair Persian Peterbald Pixie-Bob RagaMuffin Ragdoll Russian Blue Savannah Scottish Fold Selkirk Rex Siamese Siberian Singapura Snowshoe Somali Sphynx Thai Tonkinese Toyger Turkish Angora Turkish Van tiger

How many cats types are there?

There are countless types of cats/some are: .Abyssinian .American Bobtail American Curl American Shorthair American Wirehair Balinese Bengal Birman Bombay British Shorthair Burmese Cat California Spangled Cat Chartreux Colorpoint Shorthair Cornish Rex Javanese Cymric Devon Rex Egyptian Mau European Burmese Exotic Shorthair Havana Brown Himalayan Japanese Bobtail Korat Maine Coon Manx Cat Munchkin Nebelung Norwegian Forest Cat Ocicat Oriental Persian Ragdoll Russian Blue Scottish Fold Selkirk Rex Siamese Siberian Singapura Snowshoe Somali Sphynx Tiffany Tonkinese Turkish Angora Turkish Van York Chocolate

What is the scientific name of a American Bobtail?

The scientific name of an American Bobtail is Felis catus.

What are the release dates for Cats 101 - 2008 Colorpoint Shorthair Exotic Somali Birman American Curl Japanese Bobtail Coddled Cats 2-3?

Cats 101 - 2008 Colorpoint Shorthair Exotic Somali Birman American Curl Japanese Bobtail Coddled Cats 2-3 was released on: USA: 21 November 2009

What is an American Bobtail?

An American Bobtail is a short-haired breed of domestic cat originating in the United States, with a significant genetic mutation which resulted in a characteristically short tail.

What is a type of cat with six letters and starts with A?

Domestic Cats: Abyssinian Aegean cat Australian Mist American Polydactyl American Bobtail American Curl American Longhair American Shorthair American Wirehair Asian Asian Semi-Longhair Wild-Cats/Big Cats: Andean Mountain Cat African Golden Cat Asian Golden Cat

What type of cats your there?

*Alpine Lynx * American Bobtail * Asian Semi-longhair (or Tiffanie) * Balinese * Birman * British Longhair * Chantilly/Tiffany cat * Desert Lynx * Highland Lynx * Himalayan * Jaguarundi Curl * Javanese * Maine Coon * Nebelung * Norwegian Forest Cat * Oriental Longhair * Persian * Ragdoll (and Ragamuffin) * Siberian * Somali * Turkish Van * Turkish Angora * York Chocolate cat * Abyssinian * Alpine Lynx * American Shorthair * Australian Mist (or Spotted Mist) * Bombay * British Shorthair * Burmese * Burmilla * California Spangled Cat * Chartreux * Colorpoint Shorthair * Desert Lynx * Highland Lynx * Egyptian Mau * European Shorthair * Exotic * Havana Brown * Jaguarundi Curl * Korat * Ocicat * Oriental Shorthair * Russian Blue * Siamese (and Traditional Siamese or Applehead Siamese) * Singapura * Snowshoe * Sokoke * Tonkinese * American Bobtail * American Curl * American Wirehair * Cornish Rex * Cymric * Devon Rex * German Rex * Japanese Bobtail * Kurilian Bobtail * LaPerm * Manx * Munchkin * Ojos Azules * Peterbald * Pixie-bob * Selkirk Rex * Scottish Fold * Sphynx * Alpine Lynx * Bengal * Chausie * Desert Lynx * Highland Lynx * Jaguarundi Curl * Savannah * Serengeti * Toyger

What are all the different kinds of kittens?

Abyssinian, Aegean cat, Australian Mist, American Polydactyl, American Bobtail, American Curl, American Longhair, American Shorthair, American Wirehair, Antipodean, Asian Semi-longhair, Balinese, Bengal, Birman, Bombay, Brazilian Shorthair, British Shorthair, British Longhair, Burmese, Burmilla, California Spangled Cat, Chantilly/Tiffany, Chartureux, Chausie, Cheetoh, Colorpoint Shorthair, Cornish Rex, Cymric, Devon Rex, Domestic shorthaired cat, Dragon Li, Egyptian Mau, European Shorthair, Exotic Shorthair, German Rex, Havana Brown, Himalayan/Colorpoint Persian, Japanese Bobtail, Javanese, Korat, Kurilian Bobtail, LaPerm, Maine Coon, Manx, Munchkin, Nebelung, Norwegian Forest Cat, Ocicat, Ojos Azules, Oriental Bicolour, Oriental Shorthair, Oriental Longhair, Persian, Peterbald, Pixie-bob, Ragamuffin, Ragdoll, Russian Blue, Russian White, Black, and Tabby, Savannah, Scottish Fold, Selkirk Rex, Serengeti cat, Siamese, Siberian, Singapura, Snowshoe, Sokoke, Somali, Sphynx, Sumxu, Thai/Old-style Siamese, Tonkinese, Toyger, Turkish Angora, Turkish Van, Turkish Vankedisi, Twisty Cat/Squitten, Ukrainian Levkoy, Ussuri, York Chocolate Cat.

What are the names of the cat breeds?

Hey There, There are so many cat breeds just like dogs, but if you want them here they are: . Persians . Exotic Shorthairs . Bengals . Siamese . Burmese . Balinese . Japanese Bobtail . American Curl . Scottish Fold . Ragdoll . Russian Blue . Abyssinian . Siberian Forest Cat . Norwegian Forest Cat . Maine Coon . Himalayan . Munchkin . Turkish Van . Bombay . American Shorthair/Longhair . Sphynx . Cornish Rex . Devon Rex . Oriental Shorthair . Somali . Singapura . German Rex . Ocicat . Tiffany . Savannah . Turkish Angora . Silver Tabby . Toyger . Snowshoe . Burmilla . Brittish Shorthair There is more, but that is some of them, hope this helps x