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Mel Blanc

Don La Fontaine

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Q: What are the most famous voice overs?
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Who is supermbro1?

A teen (who is not as famous as FRED yet) who will be famous for his voice overs one day.

What actor has done the most voice overs?

Probably Mel Blanc .

Voice overs are commonly used in what type of film?

Voice-overs are most commonly used in documentaries, particularly those which show footage of natural environments including flora and fauna. They are also used with historical footage.

In film production is it better to use voice overs or no voice overs?

Voice overs are a great way to give a "feel" to something, because you obviously cannot see the person, so the voice is setting the mood, tone, or atmosphere. I would say yes, but choose wisely.

Who has the sexiest female voice for voice overs?

Clearly it has to be Joanna Lumley!

Did Patrick Dempsey do voice overs for l'oreal?


Who did the voice-overs of thriller?

Vincent Price

Who does the voice overs for Denny's?

Joey deGraw

Who did the voice overs for the cybermen in Doctor Who?

The voice talent you seek is British voice actor, Nicholas Briggs.

Who does the voice overs for Sportscenter?

Chris Kelley

Who does Hyunda commercial voice overs?

Jeff Bridges

What actor does voice overs for Ford?

Mike Rowe .