Bo Diddley "I'm a man"
Close - the Beatles sang "I Want To Hold Your Hand", which has lyrics "Please say to me you'll let me be your man".
Bohemian Rhapsody
Karen Wolfe sings, Man Enough. With lyrics of if you're man enough to leave? I'm woman enough to let you go!
Scar Symmetry, Subdudes and Hammerfall all have a song called Carved From Stone
There are many online sites that provide lyrics to songs. The lyrics to Ice Cream Man by Van Halen can be found on Songfacts, Lyrics Freak, Sing365 and Mp3 Lyrics.
I is watermelon man
You can find the lyrics to the song by going onto a website called Just Some Lyrics and just type The Man Sony by Sean Morey and you will find the lyrics there.
You need to be more specific. There are literally hundreds - if not thousands - of songs with lyrics about a man and a woman.
You can find the lyrics to the song 'Working Man' by Rush on any lyrics website like azlyrics and metrolyrics. On those websites, you can find any song lyric other than 'Working Man' by Rush. You can get the lyrics to any Rush song.
The song with those lyrics is "The Power of Love."
To find the lyrics to the song 'Kool Aid Man' by Dane Cook, one should visit webpages such as Metro Lyrics. Alternatively, visit the webpage Youtube and find the lyrics video.
Bo Diddley "I'm a man"
Released by Michael Jackson in 1988, Man in the Mirror was nominated for Record of the Year at the Grammy awards. The most common location to find the lyrics is the website, Metro Lyrics.
The American band REM released Man on the Moon on its album Automatic for the People. Lyrics for the song can be found online on various sites including Lyrics Freak.