Robin from Batman, whose real name was Dick Grayson, was also named "The Boy Wonder." As Dick Grayson he was also referred to as Bruce Wayne's youthful ward meaning young ward of the state. At one poing in the comic book series, Robin also took time away from Batman to travel the world in an attempt to establish himself as Batman's equal. During this time he was known was "Nightwing." Before he became Robin, Dick Grayson was a part of the Flying Grayson's acrobatic family that peformed for Haley's Circus with his family. All of the Grayson family members were killed, with the exception of Dick, when gangster Tony Zucco sabotaged the high wire when the circus owner resisted Zucco's attempt to extort protection money from him.
While it is never explicitly stated, there are several clues pointing to his last name being "Grayson".
Pre-Crisis continuity: He felt he had outgrown the role and that Robin belonged with Batman but since Dick was pretty much out of Gotham and hanging around the Titans, he decided to pass the mantle to Jason Todd. It was a peaceful transition and Batman was okay with it. Post-Crisis: He didn't quit, he was fired. He quit being Nightwing because Bruce died and there was no Batman in Gotham. Villains and criminals had a field day terrorizing the city since Batman wasn't around. Realizing Gotham needed it's protector, Dick took over the mantle of Batman and gave up on being Nightwing.
John and Mary Grayson
In the original Batman comic book series, Dick Grayson was a 10-year-old acrobat, the youngest of a family circus act called the "Flying Graysons". A gangster named Boss Zucco had been extorting money from the circus and killed Grayson's parents, John and Mary, by sabotaging their trapeze equipment as a warning against defiance. Bruce Wayne took Grayson in as his ward and, after having his Batman alter ego discovered, trained Grayson, who became his partner in fighting crime.
Mitchell Grayson.
Robin (Dick Grayson) .
Dick Grayson does not actually have any superpowers, he was the original Robin and latter became Nightwing and then Batman.
The real Batman went missing so Dick Grayson became The Batman, so people would not figure it out that both Bruce Wayne.
Robin the Boy Wonder , Dick Grayson , is not related to Batman/Bruce Wayne .
Dick Grayson, in his own unique way, is a good Batman. However, no one is a better Batman than the original, Bruce Wayne.That's an opinion, so it really can't be answered. I for one think he's better.
No, since Bruce returned, Dick has gone back to being Nightwing.
Robin's full name is Dick Grayson. He was the original Robin and later became Nightwing.
originaly robin then nightwing and now with the recent death of batman he has taken the role of batman
I think it was Your Shadow No More no sure though
Teen Titans #44 (1984) The older Dick Grayson becomes tired of his role as Batman's sidekick. He calls himself Nightwing after a local hero he and Batman met in the Kryptonian city of Kandor.