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In series 2 there are 10: Unicorn, Troll, Elf Queen, Dwarf Lord, Warrior; Cleopatra, King-Tut, Pharaoh, Mummy and Treasure Hunter. They are beanz 121~130.

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Q: What are the five glow in the dark mighty beans?
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What are the unknown mighty beanz?

I am pretty sure they are the glow in the dark ones. There are only five of them.

Do beans glow in the dark?

it is the speca mosce

Which are the 5 glow in the dark mighty beans?

They are Orange Owl Bean, Yellow Moon Bean, Green Ghost Bean, Green Alien Bean and Blue Bat Bean.

Which mighty beanz series2 glow in the dark?

5 mummy frank that's all]

Where to get glow in the dark polish?

You can find glow in the dark nail polish at Five Below. you can also get glow in the dark lip gloss. They are $5.00 each. It comes in a pack of 4. they come in the colors of pink, yellow, green, and blue.

How much is a glow in the dark tattoo?

yes i have a five point red and black nautical glow in the dark tattoo. it cost me two hundred and thirty seven dollars for it.

Are glow in the dark silly bandz bad?

No, Glow in the Dark Silly Bandz are neat because the glow in the dark!

Is there glow in the dark converses?

I'm not sure if they make glow in the dark, but they make neon and if that is not good enough, you can buy glow in the dark fabric paint and turn them glow in the dark by yourself. they will be your custom designed glow in the dark converse if you do it by yourself

Does the pure ice rescue you nail polish glow in the dark?

Yes, it actually does glow in the dark. It says that the rescue me is the glow in the dark.

Does the iPad mini glow in the dark?

The iPad mini does not glow in the dark.

Does peanut butter glow in the dark?

No, peanut butter does not glow in the dark.

Why do things glow in the dark?

they absorb light from before and then when it is dark they glow the absorbed light