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simile metaphor personification aliterations and idioms

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What is a glowing heavenly body?

Moon , stars , planets , anything we can see that emits light .

How do you make void on Doodle God?

earth + fire = lavaair + earth = dustair + fire = energyenergy + air = stormfire + dust = ashlava + air = stonefire + stone = metalwater + stone = sandenergy + metal = electricitywater + air = steammetal + steam = boilerfire + sand = glasswater + earth = swampfire + water = alcoholswamp + sand = clayswamp + energy = lifealcohol + water = vodkawater + life = weedsswamp + life = bacteriaswamp + weeds = mossearth + moss = grassswamp + grass = reedwater + bacteria = planktonlife + sand = seedslife + ash = ghostlife + stone = eggegg + earth = dinosaurdinosaur + fire = dragonair + egg = birdswamp + moss = fernclay + life = golemgolem + life = humanhuman + fire = corpsehuman + human = sexlife + corpse = zombiezombie + corpse = ghoulhuman + energy = wizardwizard + energy = demigodseed + earth = treehuman + metal = toolsmetal + tools = weaponsweapons + man = hunterhunter + weapons = warriorwarrior + dragon = hero + bloodblood + human = vampirefire + clay = brickstools + reed = paperbird + hunter = meat + feather + bloodtree + tool = woodfeather + paper = bookswamp + bacteria = worm + sulfurtree + fire = ash + ash + coalcoal + boiler = steam-enginehuman + alcohol = alcoholicsand + worm = snakesnake + water = fishwater + coal = oilplankton + fish = whalesnake + tools = poisonpoison + weapon = poisoned weaponpoisoned weapon + human = assassinwood + tool = wheelearth + tools = fieldfield + seeds = wheatwheat + stone = flourflour + water = doughdough + fire = breadbread + alcohol = beersand + egg = turtleswamp + egg = lizardwood + wheel = cartcart + steam engine = locomotivebird + fire = phoenixlizard + earth = beastbeast + vampire = werewolfworm + earth = beetlefire + grass = tobaccobeetle + sand = scorpiontobacco + paper = cigarettewood + water = boatcart + beast = chariothunter + beast = meat + wool + bloodhuman + clay = ceramicshuman + stone = hutstone + plankton = shellshell + stone = limestonelimestone + clay = cementtools + wool = fabrichuman + beast = domesticated animallife + tree = treantweeds + earth = mushroomwater + cement = concreteconcrete + bricks = housefish + beast = dolphinwood + boat = shipoil + cart = carcar + air = airplanefabric + human = clothesair + worm = butterfly100. storm + bird = thunderbirdglass + house = skyscraperdomestic animal + grass = milk + fertilizerlimestone + fertilizer = saltpetersaltpeter + sulfur = gunpowderweapon + gunpowder = firearmship + fabric = frigateship + steam engine = steamshipDoodle God Episode 2void + glass = lightbulbvoid + electricity = radio wavelight bulb + radio wave = tvtv + book = computerradiowave + radiowave = radiationmetal + radiation = plutoniumplutonium + weapon = Nuclear Bombcomputer + radio wave = cell phoneenergy + fire = plasmaplasma + void = sunsun + grass = flowersun + flower = sunflowertree + flower = applesand + tree = palm treeseeds + energy = coffeevoid + airplane = rocketVoid + rocket= SatelliteRadio wave + fire = laserlaser + book = CDmetal + water = quicksilverquick silver demigod= philospers stoneApple + cell phone = goldhuman + computer = cyborgcomputer + computer = internetDoodle God Episode 3commandments + human = religionreligion + human = law + sinBeast + house = cat + dogtools + law = mechanismalcoholic + ship = piratealcoholic + house = tavernsand + glass = clockwaater + glass = icebook + human = knowledgewarrior + firearm = soldiergold + paper = moneyknowledge + fish = octopusbacteria + milk = cheesemoney + human = workbeetle + work = anthuman + bacteria = virusmechanism + book = typewriterknowledge + human = scientistfish + egg = caviarapple + dough = pielaw + soldier = policemanice + milk = ice creamknowledge + virus = medicinefire + meat = steakreed + field = sugarice + mechanism = freezersex + human = funreed + human = musichuman + rocket = astronautcorpse + electricity = death metalmedicine + bacteria = antibioticsmusic + alcohol = rock-n-rollalcohol + grass = absinthemoney + skyscraper = bankcomputer + virus = hackercoffee + vodka = b-52law + fun = gamesalcohol + pirate = rumsugar + bread = cookiesalcoholic + money = hangovermoney + bank = debtdebt + money = credit cardvodka + firearm + Russian roulettesex + sex = censoredtypewriter + human = journalistlife + void = alienfire + vodka = molotov cocktailmilk + vodka = white Russianwater + water = seasun + sea = saltrocket + alien = UFObeast + medicine = ratvodka + worm = tequilaDoodle God Episode 4magic + void = darkness, lightmagic + knowledge = spellmagic + music = bardmagic + religion = priestmagic + priest = prayermagic + water = potionmagic + beast = unicornmagic + paper = scroollight + darkness = shadowspell + air = illusionspell + ice = cone of coldspell + fire = fireballspell + book = spell bookprayer + priest = healinglight + life = angeldarkness + earth = undergroundwizard + zombie = necromancerwizard + house = towerbeast + darkness = demondarkness + energy = deathdeath + healing = resurrectionwarrior + priest = paladinlife + void = chaos, orderchaos + void = astralastral + spell = teleportastral + death= illithidastral + metal = silverlaw + assassin = roguemechanism + life = modronhuman + metal = armorhuman + weapon = sword, crossbowhuman + magic = elfhuman + elf = half-elfhuman + swamp = orc, goblinhuman + tree = druidhuman + stone = dwarfelf + darkness = drowelf + metal = methrilelf + weapon = bowhouse + armor = castleweapons + magic = wandpriest + weapon = macedrow + metal = adamantitedwarf + darkness = duergardwarf + weapon = axe, hammerbeast + weapon = clawsDoodle God (Save the Princess Quest)human + sword = warriordwarf + axe = warriorwarrior + priest = paladinwarrior + dragon = steakmagic + book = spell bookmagic + human = elfhuman + spell book = wizardelf + spell book = wizardwarrior + wizard = adventurerswizard + paladin = partyking + adventurers = questking + party = questadventurers + dragon = ash + steakparty + dragon = dead dragonadventurers + quest = experience + goldadventurers + experience = partyquest + dragon = mountainmountain + dragon = lairlair + rogue = secret doordead dragon + party = keysecret door + key = traptrap + wizard = ash + mazemaze + party = experience + gold + princessDoodle Devil Combination11 Groups, 107 ElementsNatureAir = Starting elementAsh = Fire + HouseEarth = Starting elementEnergy = Air + FireFire = Starting elementLava = Earth + FireMetal = Stone + FireSteam = Water + FireStone = Water + LavaWater = Starting elementAnimalsBat = Vampire + AirBeast = Starting elementDove = Rat + AirEgg = Magic + StoneFish = Beast + WaterPiranha = Fish + WeaponRat = Beast + DiseasesSnake = Egg + WormWolf = Beast + WrathWorm = Magic + ManEvilChaos = Starting elementDarkness = Starting elementDeath = Human + LifeDiseases = Tobacco + ManInferno = Human + MurderMagic = Demon + EnergySect = Heresy + ReligionSin = Human + AppleStyx = Water + DeathSuffering = Fire + HouseGoodAngel = Life = LightFriendship = Human + HumanHeavens = Fire + WitchLife = Man + WomanLight = Starting elementOrder = Starting elementPrayer = Angel + HumanReligion = Human + PrayerResurrection = Soul + CorpseSoul = Demon + HumanTechnologyA.I. = Computer + LifeCar = Oil + MechanismCellphone = Radio Wave + ComputerComputer = TV + BookCyborg = AI + RobotElectricity = Energy + MetalInternet = Computer + ComputerRadio Wave = Electricity + AirRobot = Mechanism + ComputerTV = Mechanism + DemonHumansBlood = Weapon + BeastCorpse = Human + MurderFood = Weapon + BeastHuman = Starting elementLawyer = Human + CopyrightPolitician = Human + PrideMan = Starting elementSex = Man + WomanWitch = Woman + MagicWoman = Starting elementMonstersCerberus = Beast + DeathCthulhu = Demon + WaterDemon = Beast + DarknessDragon = Magic + EggFrankenstein = Corpse + electricityHydra = Snake + BeastMutant = Human + DarknessVampire = Blood + HumanWerewolf = Man + BeastZombie = Life + CorpsePlantsApple = Starting ElementCoffee = Seeds + EnergyGrass = Earth + SeedsMushroom = Earth + SeedsSeeds = Apple + EarthTobacco = Grass + FireTree = Earth + SeedsSinsEnvy = Sin + GreedGluttony = Sin + FoodGreed = Sin + MoneyHeresy = Religion + SinLust = Sin + SexMurder = Sin + CorpsePride = Sin + SinSloth = Sin + WorkTheft = Sin + MoneyWrath = Sin + WeaponSocietyAtheism = Human + HeresyBook = Human + KnowledgeCensored = Mechanism + SexCopyright = Demon + OrderGambling = Human + GreedKnowledge = Human + AppleMoney = Soul + DemonPsychology = Human + HeresyWar = Politician + PrideWork = Man + MoneyToolsAcid = Water + SulfurBomb = TNT + MetalHouse = Stone + HumanMechanism = Metal + WorkNuclear Bomb = Bomb + MushroomOil = Earth + KnowledgePoison = Tobacco + CoffeeSulfur = Inferno + AirTNT = Oil + AcidWeapon = Human + Metal

How you make void on doodle god?

earth + fire = lavaair + earth = dustair + fire = energyenergy + air = stormfire + dust = ashlava + air = stonefire + stone = metalwater + stone = sandenergy + metal = electricitywater + air = steammetal + steam = boilerfire + sand = glasswater + earth = swampfire + water = alcoholswamp + sand = clayswamp + energy = lifealcohol + water = vodkawater + life = weedsswamp + life = bacteriaswamp + weeds = mossearth + moss = grassswamp + grass = reedwater + bacteria = planktonlife + sand = seedslife + ash = ghostlife + stone = eggegg + earth = dinosaurdinosaur + fire = dragonair + egg = birdswamp + moss = fernclay + life = golemgolem + life = humanhuman + fire = corpsehuman + human = sexlife + corpse = zombiezombie + corpse = ghoulhuman + energy = wizardwizard + energy = demigodseed + earth = treehuman + metal = toolsmetal + tools = weaponsweapons + man = hunterhunter + weapons = warriorwarrior + dragon = hero + bloodblood + human = vampirefire + clay = brickstools + reed = paperbird + hunter = meat + feather + bloodtree + tool = woodfeather + paper = bookswamp + bacteria = worm + sulfurtree + fire = ash + ash + coalcoal + boiler = steam-enginehuman + alcohol = alcoholicsand + worm = snakesnake + water = fishwater + coal = oilplankton + fish = whalesnake + tools = poisonpoison + weapon = poisoned weaponpoisoned weapon + human = assassinwood + tool = wheelearth + tools = fieldfield + seeds = wheatwheat + stone = flourflour + water = doughdough + fire = breadbread + alcohol = beersand + egg = turtleswamp + egg = lizardwood + wheel = cartcart + steam engine = locomotivebird + fire = phoenixlizard + earth = beastbeast + vampire = werewolfworm + earth = beetlefire + grass = tobaccobeetle + sand = scorpiontobacco + paper = cigarettewood + water = boatcart + beast = chariothunter + beast = meat + wool + bloodhuman + clay = ceramicshuman + stone = hutstone + plankton = shellshell + stone = limestonelimestone + clay = cementtools + wool = fabrichuman + beast = domesticated animallife + tree = treantweeds + earth = mushroomwater + cement = concreteconcrete + bricks = housefish + beast = dolphinwood + boat = shipoil + cart = carcar + air = airplanefabric + human = clothesair + worm = butterfly100. storm + bird = thunderbirdglass + house = skyscraperdomestic animal + grass = milk + fertilizerlimestone + fertilizer = saltpetersaltpeter + sulfur = gunpowderweapon + gunpowder = firearmship + fabric = frigateship + steam engine = steamshipDoodle God Episode 2void + glass = lightbulbvoid + electricity = radio wavelight bulb + radio wave = tvtv + book = computerradiowave + radiowave = radiationmetal + radiation = plutoniumplutonium + weapon = Nuclear Bombcomputer + radio wave = cell phoneenergy + fire = plasmaplasma + void = sunsun + grass = flowersun + flower = sunflowertree + flower = applesand + tree = palm treeseeds + energy = coffeevoid + airplane = rocketVoid + rocket= SatelliteRadio wave + fire = laserlaser + book = CDmetal + water = quicksilverquick silver demigod= philospers stoneApple + cell phone = goldhuman + computer = cyborgcomputer + computer = internetDoodle God Episode 3commandments + human = religionreligion + human = law + sinBeast + house = cat + dogtools + law = mechanismalcoholic + ship = piratealcoholic + house = tavernsand + glass = clockwaater + glass = icebook + human = knowledgewarrior + firearm = soldiergold + paper = moneyknowledge + fish = octopusbacteria + milk = cheesemoney + human = workbeetle + work = anthuman + bacteria = virusmechanism + book = typewriterknowledge + human = scientistfish + egg = caviarapple + dough = pielaw + soldier = policemanice + milk = ice creamknowledge + virus = medicinefire + meat = steakreed + field = sugarice + mechanism = freezersex + human = funreed + human = musichuman + rocket = astronautcorpse + electricity = death metalmedicine + bacteria = antibioticsmusic + alcohol = rock-n-rollalcohol + grass = absinthemoney + skyscraper = bankcomputer + virus = hackercoffee + vodka = b-52law + fun = gamesalcohol + pirate = rumsugar + bread = cookiesalcoholic + money = hangovermoney + bank = debtdebt + money = credit cardvodka + firearm + Russian roulettesex + sex = censoredtypewriter + human = journalistlife + void = alienfire + vodka = molotov cocktailmilk + vodka = white Russianwater + water = seasun + sea = saltrocket + alien = UFObeast + medicine = ratvodka + worm = tequilaDoodle God Episode 4magic + void = darkness, lightmagic + knowledge = spellmagic + music = bardmagic + religion = priestmagic + priest = prayermagic + water = potionmagic + beast = unicornmagic + paper = scroollight + darkness = shadowspell + air = illusionspell + ice = cone of coldspell + fire = fireballspell + book = spell bookprayer + priest = healinglight + life = angeldarkness + earth = undergroundwizard + zombie = necromancerwizard + house = towerbeast + darkness = demondarkness + energy = deathdeath + healing = resurrectionwarrior + priest = paladinlife + void = chaos, orderchaos + void = astralastral + spell = teleportastral + death= illithidastral + metal = silverlaw + assassin = roguemechanism + life = modronhuman + metal = armorhuman + weapon = sword, crossbowhuman + magic = elfhuman + elf = half-elfhuman + swamp = orc, goblinhuman + tree = druidhuman + stone = dwarfelf + darkness = drowelf + metal = methrilelf + weapon = bowhouse + armor = castleweapons + magic = wandpriest + weapon = macedrow + metal = adamantitedwarf + darkness = duergardwarf + weapon = axe, hammerbeast + weapon = clawsDoodle God (Save the Princess Quest)human + sword = warriordwarf + axe = warriorwarrior + priest = paladinwarrior + dragon = steakmagic + book = spell bookmagic + human = elfhuman + spell book = wizardelf + spell book = wizardwarrior + wizard = adventurerswizard + paladin = partyking + adventurers = questking + party = questadventurers + dragon = ash + steakparty + dragon = dead dragonadventurers + quest = experience + goldadventurers + experience = partyquest + dragon = mountainmountain + dragon = lairlair + rogue = secret doordead dragon + party = keysecret door + key = traptrap + wizard = ash + mazemaze + party = experience + gold + princessDoodle Devil Combination11 Groups, 107 ElementsNatureAir = Starting elementAsh = Fire + HouseEarth = Starting elementEnergy = Air + FireFire = Starting elementLava = Earth + FireMetal = Stone + FireSteam = Water + FireStone = Water + LavaWater = Starting elementAnimalsBat = Vampire + AirBeast = Starting elementDove = Rat + AirEgg = Magic + StoneFish = Beast + WaterPiranha = Fish + WeaponRat = Beast + DiseasesSnake = Egg + WormWolf = Beast + WrathWorm = Magic + ManEvilChaos = Starting elementDarkness = Starting elementDeath = Human + LifeDiseases = Tobacco + ManInferno = Human + MurderMagic = Demon + EnergySect = Heresy + ReligionSin = Human + AppleStyx = Water + DeathSuffering = Fire + HouseGoodAngel = Life = LightFriendship = Human + HumanHeavens = Fire + WitchLife = Man + WomanLight = Starting elementOrder = Starting elementPrayer = Angel + HumanReligion = Human + PrayerResurrection = Soul + CorpseSoul = Demon + HumanTechnologyA.I. = Computer + LifeCar = Oil + MechanismCellphone = Radio Wave + ComputerComputer = TV + BookCyborg = AI + RobotElectricity = Energy + MetalInternet = Computer + ComputerRadio Wave = Electricity + AirRobot = Mechanism + ComputerTV = Mechanism + DemonHumansBlood = Weapon + BeastCorpse = Human + MurderFood = Weapon + BeastHuman = Starting elementLawyer = Human + CopyrightPolitician = Human + PrideMan = Starting elementSex = Man + WomanWitch = Woman + MagicWoman = Starting elementMonstersCerberus = Beast + DeathCthulhu = Demon + WaterDemon = Beast + DarknessDragon = Magic + EggFrankenstein = Corpse + electricityHydra = Snake + BeastMutant = Human + DarknessVampire = Blood + HumanWerewolf = Man + BeastZombie = Life + CorpsePlantsApple = Starting ElementCoffee = Seeds + EnergyGrass = Earth + SeedsMushroom = Earth + SeedsSeeds = Apple + EarthTobacco = Grass + FireTree = Earth + SeedsSinsEnvy = Sin + GreedGluttony = Sin + FoodGreed = Sin + MoneyHeresy = Religion + SinLust = Sin + SexMurder = Sin + CorpsePride = Sin + SinSloth = Sin + WorkTheft = Sin + MoneyWrath = Sin + WeaponSocietyAtheism = Human + HeresyBook = Human + KnowledgeCensored = Mechanism + SexCopyright = Demon + OrderGambling = Human + GreedKnowledge = Human + AppleMoney = Soul + DemonPsychology = Human + HeresyWar = Politician + PrideWork = Man + MoneyToolsAcid = Water + SulfurBomb = TNT + MetalHouse = Stone + HumanMechanism = Metal + WorkNuclear Bomb = Bomb + MushroomOil = Earth + KnowledgePoison = Tobacco + CoffeeSulfur = Inferno + AirTNT = Oil + AcidWeapon = Human + Metal

What are all 248 elements in the Doodle God ipod game?

Here's 115 of them grouped by catogory Aether Energy Life Egg Electricity Seeds Blood S*x Poison Air Air Dust Steam Ash Storm Animals Bird Dinosaur Turtle Snake Lizard Fish Whale Beast Domestic Animal Dolphin Civilization Bricks Ceramics Cement Wood Paper Field Concrete Fabric Clothes Book Earth Earth Stone Metal Sand Glass Clay Limestone Fertilizer Fire Fire Lava Sulfur Coal Oil Saltpetre Plants Grass Tree Tobacco Reed Fern Goods Wool Meat Milk Wheat Cigarette Feather Beer Flour Dough Bread Humans Human Wizard Alcoholic Demigod Hunter Corpse Assassin Warrior Hero Mythical Ghost Golem Phoenix Dragon Thunder bird Treant Vampire Werewolf Zombie Ghoul Primitive Weeds Bacteria Mushroom Plankton Moss Worm Butterfly Beetle Shell Scorpion Technology Boiler Steam Engine Tools Hut Weapon Poisoned Weapon House Skyscraper Gunpowder Firearm Transportation Wheel Boat Cart Ship Chariot Locomotive Car Steam Ship Frigate Airplane Water Water Alcohol Swamp Vodka

What are all the creations and combinations in Doodle God?

Air + Car= Airplane Fire + Water= Alcohol Human + Alcohol= Alcoholic Human + Vodka= Alcoholic Human + Beer= Alcoholic Tree + Fire= Ash Wood + Fire= Ash Dragon + Hunter= Ash Human + Poisoned Weapon= Assassin Swamp + Life= Bacteria Earth + Lizard= Beast Alcohol + Wheat= Beer Earth + Worm= Beetle Egg + Air= Bird Dinosaur + Human= Blood Beast + Human= Blood Wood + Water= Boat Metal + Steam= Boiler Feather + Paper= Book Dough + Fire= Bread Clay + Fire= Bricks Air + Worm= Butterfly Oil + Cart= Car Wood + Wheel= Cart Clay + Limestone= Cement Clay + Human= Ceramics Beast + Cart= Chariot Paper + Tobacco= Cigarette Swamp + Sand= Clay Fabric + Human= Clothes Tree + Fire= Coal Wood + Fire= Coal Water + Cement= Concrete Fire + Human= Corpse Human + Poison= Corpse Wizard + Energy= Demigod Earth + Egg= Dinosaur Fish + Beast= Dolphin Human + Beast= Domestic Animal Water + Flour= Dough Dinosaur + Fire= Dragon Air + Earth= Dust Life + Stone= Egg Metal + Energy= Electricity Tools + Wool= Fabric Bird + Hunter= Feather Moss + Swamp= Fern Domestic Animal + Grass= Fertiliser Earth + Tools= Field Stone + Stone= Fire Weapon + Gunpowder= Firearm Plankton + Bacteria= Fish Stone + Wheat= Flour Ship + Fabric= Frigate Life + Ash= Ghost Zombie + Corpse= Ghoul Fire + Sand= Glass Clay + Life= Golem Earth + Moss= Grass Saltpeter + Sulphur= Gun Powder Warrior + Dragon= Hero Bricks + Concrete= House Life + Beast= Human Human + Weapon= Hunter Stone + Human= Hut Fire + Earth= Lava Energy + Swamp= Life Shell + Stone= Limestone Egg + Swamp= Lizard Steam Engine + Cart= Locomotive Human + Domestic Animal= Meat Beast + Human= Meat Bird + Hunter= Meat Fire + Stone= Metal Human + Domestic Animal= Milk Domestic Animal + Grass= Milk Swamp + Weeds= Moss Earth + Weeds= Mushroom Water + Coal= Oil Tools + Reed= Paper Bird + Fire= Pheonix Bacteria + Water= Plankton Tools + Scorpion= Poison Poison + Weapon= Poisoned Weapon Swamp + Grass= Reed Limestone + Fertiliser= Saltpeter Water + Stone= Sand Beetle + Sand= Scorpion Grass + Grass= Seeds Life + Sand= Seeds Human + Human= Sex Plankton + Stone= Shell Wood + Boat= Ship House + Glass= Skyscraper Swamp + Worm= Snake Sand + Worm= Snake Water + Air= Steam Boiler + Coal= Steam Engine Ship + Steam Engine= Steam Ship Air + Lava= Stone Air + Energy= Storm Bacteria + Swamp= Sulphur Water + Earth= Swamp Bird + Storm= Thunderbird Fire + Grass= Tobacco Human + Metal= Tools Tree + Life= Treant Earth + Seeds= Tree Egg + Sand= Turtle Human + Blood= Vampire Alcohol + Water= Vodka Weapon + Hunter= Warrior Tools + Metal= Weapon Life + Water= Weeds Beast + Vampire= Werewolf Beast + Water= Whale Seeds + Field= Wheat Wood + Tools= Wheel Human + Energy= Wizard Tree + Tools= Wood Human + Domestic Animal= Wool Beast + Hunter= Wool Bacteria + Swamp= Worm Plankton + Earth= Worm Life + Corpse= Zombie Void + Electricity= Radio wave Void + Plasma= Sun