Atonality - composing music with no tonal center. Using dissonant chords
Twelve tone method - composing music using a tone row of chromatic tones that stay in order throughout the piece. The tone row can appear in retrograde, inversion, and retrograde inversion
Expressionism - using music to express the composer's emotion and state of mind
Impressionism - using tone color to create a feeling similar to those of Impressionistic paintings. The harmonies are brief and hazy sounding.
Chance music - the composer only dictates a portion of the elements of the composition. The rest is up to the musicians or the audience.
Minimalism - music that may include the repetition of a phrase or specific tone, droning or steady long tones, constant harmony and a steady pulse
D. 20th century
20th century music consists of a lot of characteristics. Here are a few examples: Repitition Tone/colour Phasing
What was the era in 1912?
1868 was in the 19th century.
philippine music in 20th century
Modern music (which came to fruition in the 20th century).
The 20th century
No, The Sound of Music was a 20th Century Fox film.
They had a big influence on Music, and the Future of Music.
Music written before the 20th century
20th century music consists of a lot of characteristics. Here are a few examples: Repitition Tone/colour Phasing
20th Century Orchestral Music
D. 20th century
The 20th century