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I was a little frustrated looking for this list of songs as well.... here you go!

No. Title Composer

1 Invention No. 1 J.S.Bach

2 Invention No. 8 J.S.Bach

3 Gavotte J.S.Bach

4 Prelude (Wohltemperierte Klavier I No.1) J.S.Bach

5 Menuett G dur BWV.Anh.114 J.S.Bach

6 Le Coucou L-C.Daquin

7 Piano Sonate No.15 K.545 1st mov W.A.Mozart

8 Turkish March W.A.Mozart

9 Menuett G dur W.A.Mozart

10 Little Serenade J.Haydn

11 Perpetuum mobile C.M.v.Weber

12 Ecossaise L.v.Beethoven

13 Für Elise L.v.Beethoven

14 Marcia alla Turca L.v.Beethoven

15 Piano Sonate op.13 "Pathétique" 2nd mov. L.v.Beethoven

16 Piano Sonate op.27-2 "Mondschein" 1st mov. L.v.Beethoven

17 Piano Sonate op.49-2 1st mov. L.v.Beethoven

18 Impromptu op.90-2 F.P.Schubert

19 Moments Musicaux op.94-3 F.P.Schubert

20 Frühlingslied op.62-2 J.L.F.Mendelssohn

21 Jägerlied op.19b-3 J.L.F.Mendelssohn

22 Fantaisie-Impromptu F.F.Chopin

23 Prelude op.28-15 "Raindrop" F.F.Chopin

24 Etude op.10-5 "Black keys" F.F.Chopin

25 Etude op.10-3 "Chanson de l'adieu" F.F.Chopin

No. Title Composer

26 Etude op.10-12 "Revolutionary" F.F.Chopin

27 Valse op.64-1 "Petit chien" F.F.Chopin

28 Valse op.64-2 F.F.Chopin

29 Valse op.69-1 "L'adieu" F.F.Chopin

30 Nocturne op.9-2 F.F.Chopin

31 Träumerei R.Schumann

32 Fröhlicher Landmann R.Schumann

33 La prière d'une Vierge T.Badarzewska

34 Dolly's Dreaming and Awakening T.Oesten

35 Arabesque J.F.Burgmüller

36 Pastorale J.F.Burgmüller

37 La chevaleresque J.F.Burgmüller

38 Liebesträume Nr.3 F.Liszt

39 Blumenlied G.Lange

40 Barcarolle P.I.Tchaikovsky

41 Melody in F A.Rubinstein

42 Humoresque A.Dvorák

43 Tango (España) I.Albéniz

44 The Entertainer S.Joplin

45 Maple Leaf Rag S.Joplin

46 La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin C.A.Debussy

47 Arabesque 1 C.A.Debussy

48 Clair de lune C.A.Debussy

49 Rêverie C.A.Debussy

50 Golliwog's Cakewalk C

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p60 is a form that you submit to HMRC (or your local tax collection agency) by May every year. The purpose of p60 is to report your income for the previous tax year and calculate your taxes for the current year. Form p60 lists your earnings, how much tax you’ve paid and the amount you still owe the government. Form p60 is a powerful tool for negotiating tax deductions and is used by accountants and financial professionals to analyze your finances.

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The P60 shows your taxable income and deductions and the information comes from the payer of the amounts to you.Certificate by Employer/Paying Office:This form shows your total pay for Income Tax purposes in this employment for the year.Any overtime, bonus, commission etc, Statutory Sick Pay, Statutory Maternity Pay, Statutory Paternity Pay or Statutory Adoption Pay is included.

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You will find your PAYE number in the top of your payslip or your P60

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It depends what country you're in !... Here in the UK, that form would be a 'P60'. A P60 is issued annually at the end of the tax year (31st of March).

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Well,if are a student of Singapore and is the age of 12,(p60 you may check the marshall cavendish's my pal's are here primary 5b textbook

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In the UK - ask for a copy of form P60 from the tax office. It will show your tax code, your income to date and the total tax paid so far.

How do you receive an employer PAYE reference number?

It will be on your P45 or end of year P60. If you don't have either I would phone up the company concerned and tell them you need it to fill out your Tax Return.

How do you find your UK national insurance number if you have not used it long time?

Your UK national insurance number can be found on your pay slip, and your P60, or your tax return. If you still can't track it down, you'll need to fill out form CA5403 and mail it to the address found on the form.

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Digos City is approx 50km (30 miles ) from Davao. You cn get there by bus from the Ecoland Bus Terminal in Davao, using the Davao Metro Shuttle, or Weena Bus. The fare is P60. about USD 1.20. The journey takes around 90 minutes. Hope this helps. Liam