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Rhythm : What happens on and around the beat

Dynamics : Louds and softs, high pitched - low pitched

Tempo: The speed of the music

Melody : The tune of a piece

Texture: Homophonic, Polyphonic and Monophonic

Harmony: Chords of a piece. With the essential I IV and V chords.

Timbre: The sound of instruments which are used in the piece

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Q: What are the characteristics of acoustic music?
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When was An Evening of Acoustic Music created?

An Evening of Acoustic Music was created in 1996.

When was Metal Acoustic Music created?

Metal Acoustic Music was created in 1981.

When did acoustic music begin?

Acoustic music is non-electrified or amplified. Acoustic music therefore started the first time anyone made music, thousands of years ago.

When was Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States created?

Society for Electro-Acoustic Music in the United States was created in 1984.

Where may an individual find sheet music for acoustic guitar songs online?

Sheet music for the Acoustic guitar can be located for free and purchase online on websites such as Amazon, Pronto, Sheet Music Plus, Download Sheet Music Online, and Play Acoustic Guitar.

What are the characteristics of acoustic texture in a musical composition?

Acoustic texture in a musical composition refers to the way different sounds and instruments blend together to create a rich and layered sonic experience. Characteristics of acoustic texture include the density of sounds, the timbre or tone quality of instruments, the balance between different parts, and the overall complexity or simplicity of the arrangement. These elements work together to shape the overall mood and atmosphere of the music.

Can you make an acoustic into an acoustic-electric?

Yes. There are pickup kits you can buy at different music stores.

Is Drumline music electronic or acoustic?


What style of guitar playing was used earliest in hip-hop music?

Funk guitar

Why does the acoustic guitar sound good with country music?

it souds well with country music because country musis has rythmic sounds that the acoustic guiatar can preform

What is the difference between acoustic music and electric music?

Electric music relies on electrical signals to pass through a microphone, and amplifier to make sound. Acoustic music uses no electricity to produce sound, relying instead of echoes produced inside the instrument. Also acoustic is more hollow and electric has a sharper sound.

In music what family would an acoustic guitar be in?
