Hiram Ramos Maxemin's birth name is Hiram Ramos Maxemin.
Nathalia Ramos was born on July 3, 1992.
Emma Ramos is 5' 4".
Venus Ramos is 5' 5".
Ramos Calhelha is 5' 10".
Socorro Ramos
sorry,, i dont know....hehe...
Socorro C. Ramos, she is the mother of the largest book store in the Philippines - National Book Store.
The address of the Socorro Public Library is: 401 Park Street, Socorro, 87801 4543
Socorro Valdez is 5'.
The population of Socorro Island is 250.
Socorro Venegas was born in 1972.
Socorro Mockingbird was created in 1871.
Socorro Wren was created in 1868.
Héctor Socorro was born in 1912.
Socorro Bonilla was born in Mexico.
Socorro springsnail was created in 1916.