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From what I know there's the...

Wind Road (Wind King with the Wind Regalia)

Flame Road (Flame King with the Flame Regalia)

Bloody Road (Fang King with the Fang Regalia)

Sonia Road (Thorn King with the Thorn Regalia)

Rising Road (Thunder King with the Thunder Regalia)

Over Road (Rumble King with the Rumble Regalia)

Gaia Road (Gem King with the Gem Regalia)

Ring Road (Pledge King with the Pledge Regalia)

Because Ikki failed to be the Sky King for the moment there's an additional road added to the 8.

It's named the Hurricane Road with it's King as the Storm King and the regalia as the Storm Regalia.

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Q: What are the 8 roads in air gear?
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