Type your answer here... Sean Connery, Burt Reynolds, Pernell Roberts come to mind. They have all worn hairpieces at some point.
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It's certainly possible, although he has not come out and said anything about it; and until he does, we would not want to guess. But if he did, it would not be unusual. In fact, a number of male television reporters and anchors have worn toupées (or hairpieces of some kind) over the years, because TV requires a certain "look" and baldness is generally not considered telegenic.
You can buy from amazon.com, www.hairdirect.com (which sells all types of hairpieces), as well as www.hair-necessities.com. Also, depending on what you are looking for eBay might be cheaper than these sites. It all depends on personal preference and what you are looking for, but these are the major sites.
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Real wigs and hairpieces can be found in some good quality hair salons. Not all hair salons have them but if they do they will be obvious. It is best to buy in person not online so one can be sure of what one is buying.
The best place to purchase a men's hairpiece online is a matter of opinion. The top 3 sites I found are www.hairdirect.com, www.click4hair.com, and http://wigwarehouse.com.
Yes. She not only has extensions, but she has a full assortment of wigs & hairpieces too.
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Locks of Love does not make wigs, but rather uses donated hair to create custom hairpieces for children suffering from medical hair loss. The number of hairpieces produced each year varies depending on the amount of hair donations received.
There are 3 types