Features of a drought are rivers running dry, trees going leafless, grass going yellow then brown so there is nothing for ruminants to eat.
It alraedy came out just got to dapiff.com and type in lil wayne.
Cecil Charles Worster-Drought was born in 1888.
Naruto Uzumaki :3 my sister says Hidan-lol >:3
The main 3 characters in Les Choristes I'd say are Jean-Bapt - ahem - Pierre Morhange, Clement Matieau, and Pepinot.
A long term drought would mean no water for plants (producers), so they would eventually start to die out. The consumers that eat the plants (herbivores or omnivores), would die if they had no other food source.
drought do to climate change
the main features of a drought are lack of water.
1.drought 2.over-grazing 3.loose,dry, dusty soil
Here's what i think should be the top four- 1. Poaching 2. Drought 3. Starvation 4. Surplus consumption by their predators
a drought.
The main reasons for poverty are, to many in the family so less education, cost of things are going up daily, and the country often faces drought. like in India.
the Dust Bowl Was caused by a drought and other farming reasons and was very famous in the nineteen thirties!
Drought and famine are two reasons for Bantu migration
the main states with drought are punjab, bihar, maharashtra, rajasthan,orrisa. These are the most common places with drought.
the main features of a drought are lack of water.
Yes, California is in a drought. <3