This will depend on the type of system. The higher the price, the better the quality of the sound you'll get. Take a look at the website 'Bose' to check specific features for specific systems.
The Bose Wave is a clock radio that has lifelike, incredible sound far superior to an iPod or an average CD player.
Bose is able to recommend certified local repair technicians if a Bose product is broken. There are no companies with the name Bose Parts that do repairs.
Jobst-Hilmar von Bose died on 1949-03-26.
The Bose Corporation was founded in 1964 by Amar G. Bose. It is a Massachusetts based HiFi producer that is renowned worldwide for its high-end audio products such as the famous Acoustimass speakers series.
Many retail locations offer Bose products on their shelves. The most reputable retail location would be Best Buy. Also Bose products can be purchased off of Amazon or straight from the Bose website.
how can i play tv audio through Bose music system
The amplifier is really fused in the 2004 Infiniti Bose.
each of the 4 speakers has an amplifier built onto it.
The amplifier for the C320 Wagen is attached to the subwoofer assembly in the back of the car. This is true for the Bose-equipped 2002 Mercedes. signed -- VWK
under center console
There are different models of the Bose Music system so features will vary. Some of the features may be a dock, a Bluetooth music adapter, and a multi-CD changer.
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It depends on the speakers. Bose computer speakers are not designed to connect directly to speaker inputs on your receiver, as they have their own amplifier. All Bose home stereo speakers can be connected.
No, Bose does not offer or manufacture headphone amplifiers. Companies such as Audioengine, FiiO, Behringer , and Grado all offer superb quality headphone amplifiers.
behind your left vent on the left side of the radio you will feel it when radio is removed.
It's under the drivers dash.Remove the plastic cover and it's right there.
The on/off lead is a light pink on the first harness on the Bose amplifier (bigger clip). Keep in mind this is the 8 speaker premium sound package but im sure the 6 speaker package is also the same. The amplifier is located on the back wall in the trunk on the left side, just remove the plastic cover!