If you were a redhead in Austrailia, you would be a "bluey", and if you were in England, I believe you would be a "ginger". You could also be a carrot-top or be called Red. Those are the only nicknames I know of for redheads. Peace out to the redheads of the world (and everyone else, too!) ;)
if you mean their real names- it is Kevin, Joe and Nick Jonas
Yes redheads do go grey and it is very natural and alot of times very slow coming in.
It has been rumored/confirmed that Harry Styles has a soft spot for redheads.
Paul Evin Jonas, Joseph Adam Jonas, Franklin Nathaniel Jonas. those are Nick Joan's siblings full names.
Full of redheads where im from. Some are sexy some are not.
well its simple really!!!!
izzy or bell
smiley or miley
Firetruck @-@
simple, either anna or bell
Because nick names are cool and they wanted them
Lil, Li, Lily, The Liler e.t.c